- In full:
- Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier
- Died:
- May 8, 1794, Paris (aged 50)
After being elected a junior member of the Academy of Sciences, Lavoisier began searching for a field of research in which he could distinguish himself. Chemists had long recognized that burning, like breathing, required air, and they also knew that iron rusts only upon exposure to air. Noting that burning gives off light and heat, that warm-blooded animals breathe, and that ores are turned into metals in a furnace, they concluded that fire was the key causal element behind these chemical reactions. The Enlightenment German chemist Georg Ernst Stahl provided a well-regarded explanation of these phenomena. Stahl hypothesized that a common “fiery substance” he called phlogiston was released during combustion, respiration, and calcination, and that it was absorbed when these processes were reversed. Although plausible, this theory raised a number of problems for those who wished to explain chemical reactions in terms of substances that could be isolated and measured. In the early stages of his research Lavoisier regarded the phlogiston theory as a useful hypothesis, but he sought ways either to solidify its firm experimental foundation or to replace it with an experimentally sound theory of combustion. In the end his theory of oxygenation replaced the phlogiston hypothesis, but it took Lavoisier many years and considerable help from others to reach this goal.
Marriage and administrative career
Shortly before entering the Academy of Sciences in 1768, Lavoisier received a considerable inheritance from his mother’s estate, which he used to purchase an interest in a financial enterprise known as the General Farm. The General Farm was a partnership that had a contract with the royal government to collect certain sales and excise taxes, such as those on salt and tobacco. At the beginning of each financial cycle the Tax Farmers lent money to the government and were subsequently reimbursed through tax collections. Lavoisier spent considerable time as a Tax Farmer, and he was richly rewarded for his efforts. Although chemistry was Lavoisier’s passion, throughout his life he devoted the majority of his time to financial and administrative affairs.
Three years after joining the General Farm, Lavoisier married Marie Anne Paulze, the 14-year-old daughter of a member of the Farm with whom he worked. Although not educated in science, Marie Anne was a spirited and intelligent young woman who created a place for herself in a world of science that provided few opportunities for women. As Marie Anne and Lavoisier had no children, Marie Anne was able to devote her attentions to helping her husband in his research, and she soon became widely regarded as a valuable laboratory assistant and hostess. She mastered English, which Lavoisier never did, and translated chemical works for him. She employed her drawing talent to record the research conducted in the laboratory and to prepare engravings of apparatus for publications. Three years after the wedding a correspondent sent his regards to Lavoisier’s “philosophical wife,” and shortly thereafter she was being tutored in chemistry by one of Lavoisier’s collaborators. In the laboratory she often recorded results that the experimenters dictated to her, and when Lavoisier announced his new theories she played an active role in campaigning for their acceptance.
Lavoisier also took on administrative duties within the Academy of Sciences and in other government agencies during the final years of the monarchy and the early years of the French Revolution. From 1775 to 1792 he served as a director of the French Gunpowder Administration and succeeded in making France self-sufficient in this critical military material. He also conducted extensive experiments on agricultural production, advised the government on financial affairs and banking, and served on a commission whose efforts to unify weights and measures led to the adoption of the metric system. Lavoisier has rightly gained renown for his scientific achievements, but his efforts on behalf of France should also be remembered.