- In full:
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
- Born:
- 106 bce, Arpinum, Latium [now Arpino, Italy]
- Died:
- December 7, 43 bce, Formiae, Latium [now Formia]
- Title / Office:
- consul (63BC-63BC), ancient Rome
- governor (51BC-50BC), Cilicia
- Notable Works:
- “Academic Philosophy”
- “Ad Atticum”
- “Ad Brutum”
- “Ad Quintum fratrem”
- “Ad familiares”
- “Brutus”
- “De consolatione”
- “De finibus”
- “De legibus”
- “De oratore”
- “For Milo”
- “On Duties”
- “On His Consulship”
- “On His Life and Times”
- “On the Nature of the Gods”
- “On the Republic”
- “Pro Cluentio”
- “Pro Murena”
- “Pro Sulla”
- “Tusculanae disputationes”
- Movement / Style:
- Ciceronian period
- Golden Age
Cicero studied philosophy under the Epicurean Phaedrus (c. 140–70 bce), the Stoic Diodotus (died c. 60 bce), and the Academic Philo of Larissa (c. 160–80 bce), and thus he had a thorough grounding in three of the four main schools of philosophy. Cicero called himself an Academic, but this applied chiefly to his theory of knowledge, in which he preferred to be guided by probability rather than to allege certainty; in this way, he justified contradictions in his own works (see also epistemology: Ancient Skepticism). In ethics he was more inclined to dogmatism and was attracted by the Stoics, but for his authority he looked behind the Stoics to Socrates. In religion he was an agnostic most of his life, but he had religious experiences of some profundity during an early visit to Eleusis and at the death of his daughter in 45. He usually writes as a theist, but the only religious exaltation in his writings is to be found in the “Somnium Scipionis” (“Scipio’s Dream”) at the end of De republica.
Cicero did not write seriously on philosophy before about 54, a period of uneasy political truce, when he seems to have begun De republica, following it with De legibus (begun in 52). These writings were an attempt to interpret Roman history in terms of Greek political theory. The bulk of his philosophical writings belong to the period between February 45 and November 44. His output and range of subjects were astonishing: the lost De consolatione, prompted by his daughter’s death; Hortensius, an exhortation to the study of philosophy, which proved instrumental in St. Augustine’s conversion; the difficult Academica (Academic Philosophy), which defends suspension of judgment; De finibus, (is it pleasure, virtue, or something more complex?); and De officiis (Moral Obligation). Except in the last book of De officiis, Cicero lays no claim to originality in these works. Writing to Atticus, he says of them, “They are transcripts; I simply supply words, and I’ve plenty of those.” His aim was to provide Rome with a kind of philosophical encyclopaedia. He derived his material from Stoic, Academic, Epicurean, and Peripatetic sources. The form he used was the dialogue, but his models were Aristotle and the scholar Heracleides Ponticus rather than Plato. Cicero’s importance in the history of philosophy is as a transmitter of Greek thought. In the course of this role, he gave Rome and, therefore, Europe its philosophical vocabulary.
John Ferguson John P.V. Dacre Balsdon The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica