Dinh Bo Linh
Dinh Bo Linh (born, Hoa Lu, northern Vietnam—died 979, northern Vietnam) was the emperor and founder of the second Vietnamese dynasty, who, after a decade of anarchy, reunified his country, winning official recognition of Vietnam as a state independent from China.
According to Vietnamese annals, Dinh Bo Linh, of peasant ancestry, was the adopted son of a feudal lord, the prefect of Hoa Lu. He was one of 12 chieftains among whom was divided Nam Viet, which consisted of northern Vietnam and three central Vietnamese provinces. Dinh Bo Linh defeated each of the other 11 lords and by 968 had gained control of all Nam Viet. Proclaiming himself emperor, he called the reunited country Dai Co Viet.
Dinh Tien Hoang eliminated the social and political anarchy that had characterized the divided kingdom. He filled administrative positions with Buddhist and Taoist monks, who were subordinate to government and imperial control, and he organized his state in a form adapted from the Chinese model that was familiar to the Viets, which stressed loyalty and individual performance of duties.

Dinh Tien Hoang sought peaceful relations with China. Exploiting the weakness of the newly installed Sung dynasty, he affirmed the subordinate status of his kingdom and agreed to pay tribute to the Chinese emperor in return for recognition of the sovereignty of Dai Co Viet and its ruler. He thus achieved permanent independence from China for the Vietnamese kingdom, although China sought unsuccessfully to reclaim the territory in centuries to come.
Dinh Tien Hoang was known as a courageous warrior and an able administrator and diplomat, but his authoritarian regime and his fondness for courtly pleasures made him many enemies, even within his family and his court. He and the crown prince were assassinated in 979 by a mystic seer who envisioned himself as the true emperor of Dai Co Viet. Because the emperor’s heirs were too young to assert their position, the Dinh dynasty fell within a year of his death.