Ebenezer Zane
American pioneer
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In Lancaster
It was founded (1800) by Ebenezer Zane on land granted to him in payment for blazing Zane’s Trace, a 266-mile (428-km) wilderness road from Wheeling, West Virginia. (then a part of Virginia), to Limestone (now Maysville), Kentucky. The first settlers came over this road in 1798; many of them were…
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- In Zanesville
…town was founded (1797) by Ebenezer Zane on land awarded him by the U.S. Congress for clearing a road (Zane’s Trace) through the forest to Limestone (now Maysville), Ky. Zane sold the land to his son-in-law, John McIntire, who laid out the village of Westbourne (1799; renamed Zanesville, 1801) and…
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