Émile Pathé
French producer
Learn about this topic in these articles:
association with Charles Pathé
- In Charles Pathé
…his brother Émile, he founded Pathé Frères (Pathé Brothers, 1896) in Paris, a company that manufactured and sold phonographs and phonograph cylinders. The company placed the Kinetoscope, Thomas A. Edison’s newly invented viewing device, in theatres throughout France. Using the camera developed by Louis and Auguste Lumière, Pathé Frères filmed…
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contribution to music recording
- In music recording: The early years
In 1894 Charles and Émile Pathé built a small phonograph factory in a suburb of Paris and began to record singers as eminent as Mary Garden. Within a decade their catalog boasted some 12,000 items, and their name became almost synonymous with the cylinder phonograph in Europe. Meanwhile, Emile…
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