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Eudemus Of Rhodes
Greek philosopher
Also known as: Eudemis of Rhodes, Eudemos of Rhodes
Quick Facts
- Also spelled:
- Eudemos, or Eudemis
- Flourished:
- before 300 bc
- Flourished:
- 400 BCE - 301 BCE
Eudemus Of Rhodes (flourished before 300 bc) was a Greek philosopher who was a pupil of Aristotle and a friend of Theophrastus.
Together with Theophrastus, Eudemus completed Aristotle’s philosophy from the point of view of systematization. The fragments of his Physics (preserved by Simplicius) and his Analytics paraphrase those of Aristotle—and it was Eudemus who edited or revised the Eudemian Ethics, which are preserved under Aristotle’s name. His history of geometry, arithmetic, and astronomy completed the Doctrines of the Natural Scientists of Theophrastus. The fragments have been edited by F. Wehrli, Eudemos von Rhodos (1955), being part viii of Die Schule des Aristoteles: Texte und Kommentar.