François Mignet
- In full:
- François-auguste-marie Mignet
- Born:
- May 8, 1796, Aix-en-Provence, France
- Died:
- March 24, 1884, Paris (aged 87)
François Mignet (born May 8, 1796, Aix-en-Provence, France—died March 24, 1884, Paris) was a historian and archivist whose clarity of exposition influenced French historical studies in the 19th century.
Educated at Avignon, Mignet became professor there in 1815; he returned to Aix for his law studies and was called to the bar in 1818. His first work, the Essai sur les institutions de Saint Louis, was acclaimed by the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres in 1821, but Mignet left academic life to enter political journalism in Paris. He was joined there by his friend Adolphe Thiers, the future president of France’s Third Republic. He worked first on the staff of the Courrier Français, a journal that opposed the restoration of the monarchy, and then, with Thiers and Armand Carrel, he founded Le National in 1830. This newspaper was instrumental in precipitating the July Revolution, which resulted in the accession of Louis-Philippe as French king. Mignet gave up politics and journalism for historical work, and he was appointed keeper of the archives at the Foreign Ministry, holding this post until his resignation in 1848. Mignet was also elected to the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences in 1832, became its permanent secretary in 1837, and in 1836 was elected to the French Academy.
Mignet’s writings include Histoire de la révolution française, 2 vol. (1824; “History of the French Revolution”); Antonio Perez et Philippe II (1845); Histoire de Marie Stuart, 2 vol. (1851; “History of Mary Stuart”), which made use of important unpublished documents; and the Histoire de la rivalité de François I et Charles-Quint (1875; “History of the Rivalry Between Francis I and Charles V”). A collection of diplomatic documents, Négociations relatives à la succession d’Espagne sous Louis XIV, 4 vol. (1835–42; “Negotiations Relating to the Spanish Succession under Louis XIV”), remains unfinished, but it contains an important introductory essay, reprinted in Mémoires historiques (1843; “Historical Memoirs”).