- Also called:
- Francis Joseph
- Born:
- August 18, 1830, Schloss Schönbrunn, near Vienna, Austria
- Died:
- November 21, 1916, Schloss Schönbrunn (aged 86)
- Title / Office:
- emperor (1867-1916), Austria-Hungary
- emperor (1848-1867), Austria
- House / Dynasty:
- House of Habsburg
- Notable Family Members:
- spouse Elisabeth
- son Rudolf, Archduke and crown prince of Austria
- brother Maximilian
Although he had been raised to be a soldier and wore a uniform all his life, Franz Joseph was no more a strategist than he was a statesman. He made up for this deficiency by the careful study of documents, by an extraordinarily retentive memory, and by being a shrewd judge of character. Invariably well informed and familiar with the reports of his envoys, he was to his civil servants an unequaled model of exactitude, devotion to duty, and justice. In his time Austria-Hungary was credited with having a civil administration that was as efficient as any in Europe. Having reserved for himself the control of foreign policy and of all matters bearing on the army, he stated repeatedly that this foreign policy was his own and that any criticism of it was in reality directed at himself. While loyal to his ministers, he refused to grant them any influence beyond the limits of their respective offices; once dismissed, a minister was no longer consulted on official business. This attitude, which many considered to be both ungrateful and ungracious, sprang in part from a punctiliousness that was hard to penetrate and rendered him incapable of true friendship. In the early decades of his reign, his correct but unapproachable bearing caused Franz Joseph to be respected but not really popular. Toward the end of his life, however, he became a universally revered man, a personality that for all its defects and insufficiencies held together the rotting structure of the multinational state.
Although a gentleman of irresistible charm in personal contact, Franz Joseph was greatly feared as the head of his house. His attitude toward his family was determined primarily by dynastic considerations. His own marriage had been a love match, and he remained devoted to his wife even after the marriage had been wrecked by her eccentricities. Her assassination, in Geneva on September 10, 1898, saddened him profoundly. The tragedy of the heir apparent, the archduke Rudolf, who dramatically shot himself in a suicide love pact with a 17-year-old baroness at Mayerling on January 30, 1889, was assuredly rooted in Rudolf’s unstable character. Yet the emperor had contributed to his only son Rudolf’s instability by giving him an unsuitable education, forcing him to marry Princess Stephanie of Belgium, and dealing with him in an altogether cold and uncomprehending manner. He treated his daughter-in-law with unforgiving harshness after her second, morganatic marriage, believing that family members who married beneath their station had committed a crime against the dynasty. Furthermore, Franz Joseph never became reconciled to the morganatic union of the next heir presumptive, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. His statements on receiving the report of the archducal couple’s murder at Sarajevo, on June 28, 1914, show that he looked upon their fate as a token of divine retribution. These tragedies, which became public knowledge, were underlined by an unending series of sometimes heated family disputes in the course of which Franz Joseph forced the members of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine to conform to his own notion of an archduke’s dignity and position. Yet this man who became ever lonelier as time went on could be a generous and amiable family father to his daughters and those members of the house who bowed to his wishes.
The only member of the immediate family with whom he had a closer relationship was his youngest brother, the archduke Louis Victor. While he was no more than correct in his attitude toward his brother, the talented and ambitious archduke Maximilian, he bears no blame for the tragedy that ended Maximilian’s brief interlude as emperor of Mexico.
Having overcome the threat to its survival in 1848–49, Austria passed through a long metamorphosis with many ups and downs in the 68 years that Franz Joseph occupied the throne. His many mistakes were balanced by splendid achievements. The social legislation enacted by the prime minister Eduard, Graf (count) von Taaffe, during the 1880s, the new penal code of 1852, the trade regulations of 1859, and the commercial code of 1862 are all examples of a civil administration that was highly regarded throughout Europe. Those achievements bore the stamp of the emperor’s own silent devotion to duty.
Karl Otmar, Baron von Aretin