The popular hero
- In full:
- Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston, of Palmerston in the County of Dublin, Baron Temple, of Mount Temple in the County of Sligo
- Byname:
- Pam
- Born:
- October 20, 1784, Broadlands, Hampshire, England
- Died:
- October 18, 1865, Brocket Hall, Hertfordshire (aged 80)
- Political Affiliation:
- Liberal Party
- Tory Party
- Whig Party
- Role In:
- Crimean War
In 1848–49 Palmerston was more intent upon preserving the general peace than upon patronizing Liberalism. In 1849–51, however, he won Radical applause for his denunciations of the cruelty of counterrevolutionaries; for his release of British arms to Sicilian insurgents and his later endorsement of William Ewart Gladstone’s exposure of King Ferdinand’s treatment of political prisoners; by his evident approval of the hostile reception given to the Austrian general Julius, Freiherr von Haynau, when he visited Britain; by his pressure on the Turks; and by his acceptance, when the defeated Hungarian patriot Lajos Kossuth visited Britain, of addresses describing the rulers of Austria and Russia in Kossuthian terms.
This propagandist diplomacy infuriated Prince Albert and embarrassed Cabinet colleagues who, like Queen Victoria, were not kept fully informed. But Palmerston defeated Russell’s intention of removing him from the foreign office by a famous dusk-to-dawn speech on July 8, 1850, in which he defended the British bombardment of Athens and the sabotaging of an agreement reached in London with France and Russia over British subjects’ claims against Greece. His popularity as “the most English minister who ever governed England” was such that Russell did not dare dismiss him until December 1851, when Palmerston, to stand well with the ruler of France, approved the coup d’etat by which President Bonaparte overthrew the constitution of the Second Republic.
Palmerston at once brought about the fall of the Russell government and might have joined the minority Tory government if the prime minister, Lord Derby, had been willing to abandon his protectionist policies. He served as a reforming home secretary in a Peelite–Whig coalition under Aberdeen, which in 1854 took Britain into the Crimean War against Russia and allied with France in defense of Turkey. His resignation in December 1853, avowedly in opposition to Russell’s reform bill, was ascribed to discontent with an infirm diplomacy. A switch to a more belligerent posture was regarded as the price of his immediate return.
Under Aberdeen, Palmerston was a more loyal and reasonable colleague than was Russell. When Russell resigned as leader of the House of Commons because he would not oppose a motion for inquiry into the misconduct of the Crimean War, Palmerston succeeded him. With public opinion behind him, Palmerston became prime minister. His attempts to galvanize the war effort and remedy gross defects in many branches of the services were partly nullified by bad appointments at home and in Crimea. He was pressured by the French to make peace (1856) on terms he thought inadequate but which forced Russia to give up its control of the mouth of the Danube. He submitted to restraints by colleagues in quarrels with the United States, but when the Tory opposition, with Peelites and Cobdenites (followers of the free-trade activist Richard Cobden), narrowly defeated him on the China War, Palmerston confidently appealed to the electors against “an insolent barbarian” at Canton violating British persons and property. The considerable majority achieved in the April 1857 election was a personal triumph, but it melted away when he did not make the lion’s roar sufficiently loud in response to French attacks on Britain for harbouring refugees conspiring to murder Napoleon III; and Palmerston’s government resigned after defeat in the House (February 1858).
After the election of 1859 denied the Tories a majority, Palmerston resumed the premiership with Russell and the Peelite Gladstone, all being pro-Italian against Austria. This triumvirate ruled until Palmerston died. Palmerston knew that he would be able to rely on the Tories for support if Gladstone resigned and linked himself with the Radical John Bright. Although his determination that Britain “should count for something in the transactions of the world” was successfully challenged by Bismarck in the Schleswig-Holstein affair, 1863–64, Palmerston retained great prestige at home; and on the eve of his death he greatly enlarged the Liberal majority in an election on the cry “Leave it to Pam.” It was rightly said, after his death, that “the exceptional sway of Lord Palmerston could not be reproduced by any other statesman, or any combination” and that “the reign of moderate Liberalism” was over. He had been a conservative statesman using radical tools and keeping up a show of liberalism in his foreign policy; after him the defense of the Conservative cause would revert to the Conservative Party.