- Original name:
- Lothar of Segni
- Italian:
- Lotario di Segni
- Born:
- 1160/61, Gavignano Castle, Campagna di Roma, Papal States [now in Italy]
- Died:
- July 16, 1216, Perugia
- Title / Office:
- pope (1198-1216)
- Subjects Of Study:
- papal primacy
A conflict between King Philip II Augustus of France and King John of England occupied the middle years of Innocent’s pontificate. John was a mediocre king whose weaknesses were skillfully exploited by Philip. At the beginning of Innocent’s pontificate, John still held extensive lands in France for which he owed fealty and homage to Philip. In 1202 Philip declared John guilty of improper behaviour in his adjudication of a marriage case and stripped him of his French fiefs. The result was a war that lasted four years. Philip’s armies had great success, and John appealed to Innocent for justice. The pope responded in a decretal letter, Novit ille (“He Knows”), in which he refused to condemn Philip but stated that he could intervene in secular matters by ratio peccati (“reason of sin”). Novit ille became a part of canon law and justified papal and ecclesiastical interference in secular affairs for centuries.
John’s and Innocent’s paths continued to cross for the rest of their lives. John became embroiled in a dispute with the monks of Christ Church, Canterbury, who had the authority to elect the archbishop of Canterbury, the primate of England. When John tried to force his candidate upon the monks, they appealed to Rome, and Innocent bypassed both candidates to appoint a famous theologian, Stephen Langton, as archbishop. (Taking away the right of election from local churches became more and more common after Innocent’s pontificate.) John refused to accept Stephen, and Innocent finally excommunicated the king for his obstinacy in 1209. However, a settlement was concluded between Innocent and John in 1213. In return for Innocent’s support, John subjected his kingdom to the pope and swore homage and fealty to him. Like Sicily, England became a papal fief, an arrangement that probably reflected Innocent’s ideal for the proper governance of Christendom. When the barons of England later forced John to sign Magna Carta, Innocent declared the charter null and void because it violated his rights as feudal lord.
Crusading continued to occupy Innocent in his later years. In a letter in 1213, he called for a new Crusade, and he also announced a new council to be held in Rome in 1215. The fourth Lateran Council provided a capstone for his pontificate. In November 1215, 412 bishops obeyed the pope’s summons and gathered in Rome at the Church of St. John Lateran. The council issued 72 canons, which dealt with heresy and the new Crusade, imposed new restrictions on the Jews, and legislated other matters of belief and practice. Notably, Canon 8 provided the preliminary foundations of new procedural rules that later popes would use to try heretics in ecclesiastical courts. Innocent did not found the Inquisition, but Canon 8 established some norms used in the inquisitorial courts. Canon 18 forbade the participation of clerics in the ceremony of the ordeal. This canon eventually rendered the Germanic modes of proof—ordeal by water, fire, and oaths—ineffective in Christian society. If they had not already done so, secular courts quickly adopted the procedures of the ecclesiastical court system (except in England). Innocent also paid attention to the spiritual affairs of his flock. Canon 21 dictated that all Christians should confess their sins and receive Holy Communion once a year. Canon 50 changed the limits of consanguinity and affinity for marriage from seven to four degrees. The council promulgated other canons that regulated the lives of the clergy and the administration of churches.
The fourth Lateran Council was the most important one of the medieval period and a fitting end to Innocent’s pontificate. The pope died in Perugia less than a year after the council ended. His new Crusade had not been launched, the church was still struggling with heresy, and the young emperor-elect, Frederick II, was a growing concern. But Innocent left a rich legacy. He had a talent for balancing power and spiritual solicitude. His pontificate changed the papacy forever and provided future popes with a conception of papal authority that still inheres in the papal office today. A medieval chronicler, Jacques de Vitry, has left us a vivid account of Innocent’s death. He saw Innocent’s body in Perugia as it lay almost naked on his tomb. The body smelled, and looters had plundered the rich garments in which the pope was to be buried. Brevis sit et vana huius seculi fallax gloria (“Brief and empty is the deceptive glory of this world”), reflected the chronicler, unaware that he was contemplating the fate of the greatest of all medieval popes.
Kenneth J. Pennington