Johannes Bugenhagen
German educator and theologian
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establishment of public school
- In education: Luther and the German Reformation
…and villages of northern Germany, Johannes Bugenhagen (1485–1558) set up the earliest schools to teach religion and reading and writing in German, but it was not until 1559 that the public ordinances of Württemberg made explicit reference to German schools in the villages. This example was shortly followed in Saxony.
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role in Lutheranism in Denmark
- In Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark
Johannes Bugenhagen, Lutheran reformer and theologian at Wittenberg, Ger., came to Copenhagen in 1537 to help organize the Lutheran Church of Denmark. In 1683 King Christian V decreed that the law of Denmark would recognize the Apostles’, Nicene, and Athanasian creeds, Luther’s Small Catechism, and…
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