Katō Shirōzaemon
Japanese potter
Also known as: Tōshirō
Learn about this topic in these articles:
establishment of Seto pottery
- In Seto ware
…ware is usually attributed to Katō Shirōzaemon (Tōshirō), who is said to have studied ceramic manufacture in southern China and produced pottery of his own in the Seto district upon his return. The wares, clearly influenced by those of the Southern Sung dynasty in China and those of the Koryŏ…
Read More - In pottery: Kamakura and Muromachi periods (1192–1573)
…the visit of the potter Katō Shirōzaemon (Tōshirō) to China in 1227, where he learned the secrets of pottery making. He established himself at Seto, Owari (now Aichi prefecture), which speedily became a large centre of manufacture. There were soon about 200 kilns in the vicinity making a variety of…
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