- Original name:
- Vincenzo Gioacchino Pecci
- Born:
- March 2, 1810, Carpineto Romano, Papal States
- Died:
- July 20, 1903, Rome (aged 93)
- Title / Office:
- pope (1878-1903)
- Notable Works:
- “Aeterni Patris”
- “Providentissimus Deus”
- “Rerum Novarum”
- Movement / Style:
- Academy of Arcadia
- Subjects Of Study:
- church and state
Leo XIII (born March 2, 1810, Carpineto Romano, Papal States—died July 20, 1903, Rome) was the head of the Roman Catholic Church (1878–1903) who brought a new spirit to the papacy, expressed in more conciliatory positions toward civil governments, by less opposition to scientific progress, and by an awareness of the pastoral and social needs of the times.
Early career
Vincenzo Gioacchino Pecci was the sixth child of a family of the lower nobility. After his early education in Viterbo and Rome, he completed his studies at the Accademia dei Nobili Ecclesiastici (Academy of Noble Ecclesiastics) in Rome. In 1837 he was ordained a priest and entered the diplomatic service of the Papal States. His superiors immediately appreciated his qualities: flexibility and lucidity and great energy, despite his delicate health. Thus promotions came quickly; he was made delegate (the equivalent of provincial governor) of Benevento in 1838 and was transferred in 1841 to the more important delegation of Perugia. In January 1843 he was appointed nuncio (a papal legate of the highest rank, permanently attached to a civil government) to Brussels and shortly after was consecrated an archbishop.
Pecci’s stay in Belgium, lasting only three years, was an important stage in the life of the future pope. He discovered how Catholics in a modern constitutional government could profit from the parliamentary system and from freedom of the press. But the Belgian nunciature halted the young prelate’s career, which had begun so auspiciously. Pecci showed initiative and independence in several delicate situations, but he was severely criticized at the time, and King Leopold I, considering him less docile than his predecessor, soon demanded his recall.

He was then named, early in 1846, bishop of Perugia, a small diocese to which he was confined for 32 years, despite his having been made a cardinal in 1853. He suffered from this obscurity and made many attempts to win Rome’s favor, but in vain: his harsh judgment of the opposition in the Papal States to the Roman Revolution of 1848 and his concern to avoid useless conflicts with the Italian authorities after the annexation of Umbria in 1860 made Rome suspect him—quite wrongly—of liberal sympathies and of tepidity with respect to temporal powers.
A weaker personality would undoubtedly have been dulled and embittered by this prolonged period of disfavor, but for Pecci these years of retreat were extremely fertile. He zealously applied himself to the systematic reorganization of his diocese and to the spiritual and intellectual improvement of his clergy. He also had available a great deal of leisure time in which to read and meditate. He occupied himself with the renewal of Christian philosophy and studied particularly the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas, the 13th-century Scholastic philosopher, to whom he had been introduced by his brother Giuseppe, a Jesuit seminary professor. He was also led to reconsider the problem of the relations between the church and modern society and became increasingly convinced of the mistake committed by ecclesiastical authorities in taking a fearful, negative attitude toward the aspirations of the times. The fruits of this silent maturation were revealed to his surprised contemporaries in his pastoral letters of 1877 and 1878, which attracted attention even beyond Italy’s borders. He also received notice when, in 1877, he was named camerlengo, the office of chief administrator of the church in the event that the pope dies.
At the death of Pius IX in February 1878, Pecci’s name was mentioned frequently among those of the principal papabili, those considered possible successors to the papacy. His candidacy was strongly supported by most of the non-Italian cardinals, who were impressed by the self-control and energy with which he acquitted his duties as camerlengo and who noted that one who had been away for so long from Rome would be less compromised by the decisions of the preceding pope. Cardinal Pecci was elected on February 20, 1878, on the third ballot. He announced that he would take the name Leo in memory of Leo XII, whom he had always admired for his interest in education, for his conciliatory attitude toward temporal governments, and for his desire to create links with Christians who had separated from the Roman Catholic Church. The age of the new pope and his delicate health caused speculation that his pontificate would be brief. But, in fact, he directed the church for a quarter of a century.
The pontificate of Leo XIII’s predecessor, Pius IX, had been long and controversial. From shortly after the beginning of his reign, Pius IX had been a strong, conservative authoritarian, both in his governing of the church and in his opposition to the new Italian government that annexed the Papal States. Although the pontificate of Leo XIII had a new spirit, the new pope was as intractable as his predecessor on the principle of the temporal sovereignty of the pope and continued to consider the traditional doctrine of the Christian state as an ideal. He reacted as strongly as had Pius IX against Freemasonry (a secret society that both popes viewed as opposed to Christianity) and secular liberalism. In church administration he continued to accentuate the centralization of authority in the papacy rather than in the national churches and reinforced the power of the nuncios. In addition, Leo XIII followed Pius IX in encouraging the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to Mary. He renewed the condemnations of Rationalism—the theory that reason is the primary source of knowledge and of spiritual truth—and pursued with fresh vigor the reestablishment of the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas. In 1899 he condemned Americanism, the ill-defined movement to reconcile Catholicism and American culture.
In other respects, however, there is no doubt that Leo XIII’s pontificate was characterized by a new spirit. In his relations with civil governments, Leo XIII showed his preference for diplomacy. He achieved many incontestable successes through diplomacy, although his ability in this area was definitely less than is customarily asserted. The true greatness of Leo XIII was precisely that, in spite of his taste for politics, he was not exclusively a political pope. He was also an intellectual sympathetic to scientific progress and to the need for the Roman Catholic Church to demonstrate itself open to such progress, and he always remained a pastor who was concerned for the church’s internal life and for the spreading of its message throughout the world.
This concern toward renewing the dialogue between the church and the world was manifested especially in his many encyclical letters giving instructions to Catholics throughout the world. In 1893 the encyclical Providentissimus Deus (“The Most Provident God”), now outdated but originally a pioneering work, defined in fairly broad-minded manner the principles on which Catholics should interpret the Bible. In several instructions he recommended that church and state live together in peace within the framework of modern society. The encyclical Rerum Novarum (“Of New Things”) in 1891, though rather cautious in its approach, showed that the papacy had taken cognizance of the problems of the working class. He attempted to support the organization of the Catholic laity and was concerned about renewed dialogue with non-Catholics, as is demonstrated in the interest he showed in the attempt to create a link between the Anglican Church and Rome and in his respect for the traditions of the Eastern churches.
During the last years of Leo XIII’s pontificate, until his death in 1903, there was a hardening of church policy and a more reserved attitude toward Christian democracy. Nevertheless, Leo XIII succeeded in gaining great prestige for the papacy, as was shown by the increase in countries having diplomatic relations with the Vatican, even non-Christian countries. He was a man gifted with a superior intelligence, an energetic temperament, a keen awareness of his personal worth, and a discriminating sense for public relations. Although his pontificate did not bring about many immediate changes in the relationship of the Roman Catholic Church to society, it did initiate many new attitudes that began to mature in succeeding decades.
Roger-François-Marie Aubert