Leonello d’Este
lord of Ferrara
Learn about this topic in these articles:
association with Alberti
- In Leon Battista Alberti: Contribution to philosophy, science, and the arts of Leon Battista Alberti
At the Este court in Ferrara, where Alberti was first made a welcome guest in 1438, the Marchese Leonello encouraged (and commissioned) him to direct his talents toward another field of endeavour: architecture. Alberti’s earliest effort at reviving classical forms of building still stands in Ferrara, a…
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Este dynasty
- In house of Este: Lords of Ferrara
…natural son and chosen successor, Leonello (reigned 1441–50), gave Ferrara considerable distinction in the fields of art and culture. Leonello had been educated by the humanist Guarino Veronese, called to Ferrara by his father, and the period of his reign was one in which Ferrara represented a lively centre of…
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