Osa Johnson
Osa Johnson (born March 14, 1894, Chanute, Kansas, U.S.—died January 7, 1953, New York, New York) was an American explorer, filmmaker, and writer who, with her husband, made a highly popular series of films featuring mostly African and South Sea tribal groups and wildlife.
In 1910 Osa Leighty married adventurer and photographer Martin E. Johnson. For two years they played the vaudeville circuit with an exhibit of photographs Martin Johnson had taken in the South Seas while accompanying Jack London on his voyage of the Snark. By 1912 the couple had accumulated the funds to return to the South Sea islands and make a motion picture record of cannibal and head-hunting tribesmen. Thenceforward they alternated lengthy photographic trips into the field with lecture and exhibition tours at home. They were in the Solomon and New Hebrides (now Vanuatu) islands in 1914, North Borneo (now Sabah, East Malaysia) in 1917–19 and again in 1935, and various parts of Africa in 1921–22, 1923–27, 1928–29, and 1933–34. In the field Martin Johnson was the principal photographer, and Osa was guard, hunter, and pilot. They made motion picture records of wildlife for the American Museum of Natural History and gathered much valuable geographic and ethnological information.
Their motion pictures, which were highly successful in commercial distribution, included Jungle Adventures (1921), Head Hunters of the South Seas (1922), Trailing African Wild Animals (1923), Simba, the King of Beasts (1928), Across the World (1930), Wonders of the Congo (1931), Congorilla (1932), Baboona (1935), and Borneo (1937), along with numerous short features. They also collaborated on several books: Cannibal-Land (1922), Camera Trails in Africa (1924), Lion (1929), Congorilla (1931), and Over African Jungles (1935). On her own Johnson wrote Jungle Babies (1930) and Jungle Pets (1932).

After her husband’s death in February 1937, Johnson continued the work they had begun together. In that year she led a large expedition from the motion picture studio Twentieth Century-Fox into the African bush to film sequences for the movie Stanley and Livingstone. She produced four more films on her own—Jungles Calling (1937), I Married Adventure (1940), African Paradise (1941), and Tulagi and the Solomons (1943)—and wrote Osa Johnson’s Jungle Friends (1939), the nonfiction best-seller I Married Adventure (1940), Pantaloons: The Story of a Baby Elephant (1941), Four Years in Paradise (1941), Snowball, the Baby Gorilla (1942), Bride in the Solomons (1944), and Tarnish: The True Story of a Lion Cub (1945). She also designed a line of accurately detailed animal toys for the National Wildlife Federation.