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- opposition of Basil the Great
- In St. Basil the Great: Anti-Arian activities
…of the early church) against Paulinus, the leader of the strict Nicene minority, since he feared that the extreme Nicenes at this point were lapsing into Sabellianism, a heresy exaggerating the oneness of God. During Basil’s lifetime, however, this was prevented by the recognition of Paulinus by the bishops of…
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association with
- Jerome
- In St. Jerome: Life
…to the party of Bishop Paulinus, who was opposed by St. Basil, the great orthodox bishop of Caesarea and one of the three Cappadocian Fathers—the others being St. Gregory of Nazianzus and St. Gregory of Nyssa. Recognizing his importance—since Jerome was by now known as a scholar and a monastic…
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- Meletius of Antioch
- In Saint Meletius of Antioch
But Paulinus, a famous ascetic, was consecrated as bishop, and, Meletius’ followers refusing to accept any other bishop, the schism continued. The death of Julian and the accession of the emperor Jovian (363) brought Meletius back from exile. He refused all compromise with Paulinus, however, and…
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- In Saint Meletius of Antioch