Phineas Riall
British general
Learn about this topic in these articles:
role in
- Battle of Chippewa
- In Battle of Chippewa
…the lower Niagara, under General Phineas Riall, rushed southward to stem the U.S. advance. On July 5 Riall launched an attack at Chippewa upon the more numerous U.S. forces and was badly beaten. British casualties numbered 604; the Americans, 335.
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- In Battle of Chippewa
- War of 1812
- In War of 1812: War
Phineas Riall advanced to challenge the American invasion, but American regulars commanded by Scott repulsed him at the Battle of Chippewa (July 5, 1814). In turn, Brown retreated when Commodore Isaac Chauncey’s Lake Ontario squadron failed to rendezvous with the army, and during this retrograde…
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- In War of 1812: War