Visigoth king
Also known as: Reccared
Learn about this topic in these articles:
conversion to Catholicism
- In Spain: The Visigothic kingdom
…adhered to the Catholic faith, Reccared (586–601) repudiated his father’s religion and announced his conversion to Catholicism. As the Gothic nobles and bishops followed his lead, a principal obstacle to the assimilation of Visigoths and Hispano-Romans was lifted. Thereafter, the Hispano-Romans, no longer expecting deliverance by Byzantium, developed a firm…
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role in Council of Toledo
- In councils of Toledo
…of Toledo in 589, King Recared, a previous Arian, read a profession of faith in which he accepted the Catholic faith and anathematized Arius. Because of the king’s conversion, many bishops and people accepted the Catholic faith. Visigothic Spain was then unified, and Catholicism was established as the state religion.
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