Richard Felton Outcault
Richard Felton Outcault (born January 14, 1863, Lancaster, Ohio, U.S.—died September 25, 1928, Flushing, New York) was an American cartoonist and creator of The Yellow Kid, a comic cartoon series that was influential in the development of the comic strip.
Outcault studied art in Cincinnati, Ohio, and in Paris and later contributed to Judge and Life, humour magazines that had begun publication in the early 1880s. By 1885 he was drawing comic cartoons based on life in the slums for the rejuvenated New York World, purchased by Joseph Pulitzer in 1883. Outcault’s drawing of an urchin wearing a nightshirt was selected for a colour-production test conducted by the World on February 16, 1896. The bright yellow-clad figure attracted such wide attention that the urchin was named The Yellow Kid,” which also became the title of the cartoon series. Almost from the first, slangy messages appeared on the nightshirt. Outcault was hired away from the World later that year by William Randolph Hearst, owner of the New York Journal, Pulitzer outbid Hearst, and then Hearst outbid Pulitzer, at which point Pulitzer gave up and hired George Luks to draw The Yellow Kid. The press war and the shenanigans over Outcault’s services resulted in the expression “yellow journalism” for sensational and unscrupulous publishing. The success of The Yellow Kid led to the introduction of many other comics.
In 1897 Outcault left the Journal for the New York Herald, where in 1902 he created “Buster Brown,” his second important cartoon character. Neat and prissy in appearance, Buster was a mischief-maker who carried out his pranks in a genteel setting far removed from the tough, vigorous slum of The Yellow Kid. The strip is remembered chiefly for the subsequent use of the name “Buster Brown” in advertising a wide range of products.