Severian Of Gabala
Severian Of Gabala (flourished 4th century—died after 408) was a bishop of Gabala (now Latakia, Syria), theologian and orator, principal opponent of the eminent 4th-century Greek Orthodox church father and patriarch of Constantinople, John Chrysostom.
An accomplished speaker and writer, Severian left Gabala about 401 for the Byzantine imperial capital of Constantinople (now Istanbul), where he established a reputation for his oratory. He became a protégé of Chrysostom and was entrusted with administrative responsibility in the Greek Orthodox church during Chrysostom’s visitations to Asian Christian communities. He was accused, however, by Serapion, archdeacon of Constantinople, of undermining Chrysostom’s authority and later was induced by Chrysostom to return to his Syrian diocese. Recalled to Constantinople about 403 and received by Chrysostom at the insistence of Empress Eudoxia, wife of the emperor Arcadius, Severian delivered a formal address on peace in the ceremony of reconciliation.
Encouraged by an imperial and ecclesiastical faction hostile to Chrysostom’s strict moral reforms, Severian served as prosecutor and judge of the patriarch at the Synod of the Oak, July 403. This provincial council, prompted by Eudoxia and largely composed of Syrian and Egyptian bishops inimical to Chrysostom, convicted Chrysostom on apparently fabricated charges ranging from his having favoured the doctrines of Origen to eating lozenges in church; he was exiled to the wild frontier of Asia Minor. The vociferous popular reaction in favour of Chrysostom, together with the occurrence of an earthquake that frightened the empress, forced Severian and his followers to flee Constantinople. The next year Severian, with a coalition of Chrysostom’s enemies, arranged a second trial that succeeded in exiling the patriarch permanently (June 404) on counts of illegally resuming his patriarchal jurisdiction and of burning down his own church. Following Chrysostom’s death in 407, caused by continuous harassment in exile, Severian left Constantinople for Syria.

Particularly noted as a biblical exegete of the literal-historical school of Antioch, Severian composed significant commentaries on the letters of St. Paul and a series of homilies and sermons on the first six books of the Old Testament. Ironically, early editors attributed these works to Chrysostom and included them in the patriarch’s collected works. Later studies by B. Marx (1939), however, have positively identified Severian’s writings. His New Testament commentaries were edited by K. Staab (1933) and by H. Emonds (1941). An imperfect Greek text, with a Latin translation, of his Old Testament homilies is given in Patrologia Graeca (vol. 56; 1866). Through the Latin versions of his writings, Severian affected Western preaching by his influence on the 5th-century bishop of Ravenna (Italy), Peter Chrysologus. Modern scholarship has heightened Severian’s theological importance beyond his notoriety as antagonist to Chrysostom.