Shota Rustaveli
Shota Rustaveli (born c. 1160—died after c. 1220) was a Georgian poet, known as the author of Vepkhvistqaosani (The Knight in the Panther’s Skin, or The Lord of the Panther-Skin), the Georgian national epic.
Very little is known of Rustaveli, and what is known is uncertain. A portrait in Jerusalem inscribed with the word Shota may not necessarily be of him, although legendary sources assert variously that he was a patron of the Georgian church in Jerusalem and that he was a pilgrim there. All speculation about his life—e.g., that he was brought up by a monk and that he was a feudal lord or a royal treasurer—is devoid of documentation. Some theories (e.g., that the name Rustaveli was the pseudonym of a captive Persian princess) are simply ludicrous. Evidence derived from his work suggests that he was highly educated (although he knew more Persian than Greek), religiously tolerant, and familiar with the court and that he was an adoring subject of the Georgian queen Tamara.
On stylistic and thematic grounds, several early 13th-century poems, particularly in praise of Tamara, are attributed to him. His masterpiece, The Knight in the Panther’s Skin—in which he names himself as the author—was likely composed about 1220. (See Researcher’s Note: Date of The Knight in the Panther’s Skin.) It tells how Queen Tinatin, who is very like Tamara, orders her beloved general Avtandil to help a knight, Tariel, found weeping and wearing a black panther’s skin, to retrieve his beloved Nestan-Darejan from captivity and his kingdom from usurpers. After many adventures, natural and supernatural, love and chivalry triumph, and both couples marry and reign.

The poem has elements strongly reminiscent of Persian poetry: Ferdowsī’s 11th-century epic Shāh-nāmeh has a character, Rostom, clad in panther skin, while Fakhr al-Din Gorgānī’s 11th-century romance Vīs o-Rāmīn (“Vīs and Rāmīn”) has a similar level of passion. While never explicitly Georgian, in the sense that there are no recognizable Georgian place-names or specific historical figures, The Knight in the Panther’s Skin is an idiosyncratic blend of Platonism, Christianity, and worldly wisdom. Its inventive metaphors, wildly imaginative plotting, and over-the-top passion alternate with sober philosophy and paradoxical aphorisms; “Just as a long race and great gallop prove a horse…so speaking and drawing out long poems proves the poet” is the credo set out in its prologue.
To a reader familiar with English literature, The Knight in the Panther’s Skin most resembles Edmund Spenser’s 16th-century poem The Faerie Queene. For a Georgian, Rustaveli’s poem is a compendium of sayings, phrases, and images that represents the climax of Georgia’s cultural golden age and stands as a reference for everything written after it. It exemplifies and prescribes the Georgian ethos of manliness, friendship, and love and a distinctly Georgian eclecticism in which Hellenic, pagan Caucasian, and Christian values coexist.
The poem has been translated several times into English and other major languages in both verse and prose, but the virtuosity of Rustaveli’s rhyme, rhythm, and imagery is very difficult to replicate.