Susan Bogert Warner and Anna Bartlett Warner
- Born:
- July 11, 1819, New York, N.Y., U.S.
- Died:
- March 17, 1885, Highland Falls, N.Y.
- Born:
- Aug. 31, 1827, New York City
- Died:
- Jan. 22, 1915, Highland Falls
Susan Bogert Warner and Anna Bartlett Warner (respectively, born July 11, 1819, New York, N.Y., U.S.—died March 17, 1885, Highland Falls, N.Y.; born Aug. 31, 1827, New York City—died Jan. 22, 1915, Highland Falls) were American writers who, together and individually, wrote a number of highly popular novels, hymns, and nonfiction works.
The Warner sisters were of a prosperous family and were educated privately. From 1837, when their father suffered financial reverses, the family lived on Constitution Island in the Hudson River opposite West Point. The sisters were markedly different in temperament but worked and played together well and developed talents for storytelling.
In 1851 Susan published a novel entitled The Wide, Wide World under the pseudonym Elizabeth Wetherell. Sentimental and moralistic, the book proved highly popular; it was widely sold in several translations and was reputedly the first book by an American author to sell one million copies. Susan followed with Queechy (under her own name) in 1852, and in that year Anna published Dollars and Cents. Anna had earlier invented an educational game called Robinson Crusoe’s Farmyard, played with coloured cards painted by both sisters; for many years the game was sold through the firm of George P. Putnam, Susan’s publisher.

Over the ensuing decades the sisters continued to write prolifically. Susan turned out the novels The Hills of the Shatemuc (1856), which sold 10,000 copies on its day of publication, The Old Helmet (1863), A Story of Small Beginnings (1872), Pine Needles (1877), Nobody (1882), and A Red Wallflower (1884), among others. She also wrote several books for children and a number of works on biblical topics. Anna’s publications include My Brother’s Keeper (1855), Hymns of the Church Militant (1858), The Star out of Jacob (1868), Gardening by Myself (1872), the first American book to urge women to do their own gardening, Cross Corners (1887), and Susan Warner (1909). Among her many hymns are the popular “Jesus Loves Me, This I Know” and “Jesus Bids Us Shine.” The sisters also cowrote many volumes, and for several years they conducted regular weekly Bible classes for West Point cadets.
After Susan’s death, Anna continued to live alone on Constitution Island. She refused several offers to sell the island to developers because she hoped it would one day become part of the West Point reservation. Several bills authorizing the purchase of the island by the federal government failed to pass Congress, but in 1908 Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage purchased Constitution Island and presented it to the government.