Thomas Rowlandson
Thomas Rowlandson (born July 1756, Old Jewry, London, Eng.—died April 22, 1827, London) was an English painter and caricaturist who illustrated the life of 18th-century England and created comic images of familiar social types of his day, such as the antiquarian, the old maid, the blowsy barmaid, and the Grub Street hack. His characters ranged from the ridiculously pretentious, with their elaborate coiffures, widely frogged uniforms, and enormous bosoms and bottoms, to the merely pathetic, whose trailing handkerchiefs expressed their dejected attitudes.
The son of a tradesman, Rowlandson became a student in the Royal Academy. At age 16 he went to study in Paris. After establishing a studio as a portrait painter, he began to draw caricatures to supplement his income, and this soon became his major interest.
His series of drawings “The Schoolmaster’s Tour,” accompanied by verses of William Combe, was published in the new Poetical Magazine (1809–11) launched by the art publisher Rudolph Ackermann, who was Rowlandson’s chief employer. The same collaboration of designer, author, and publisher resulted in the popular Dr. Syntax series—Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the Picturesque (1812), The Second Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of Consolation (1820), and The Third Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of a Wife (1821). They also produced The English Dance of Death (1815–16) and The Dance of Life (1816–17). Rowlandson illustrated editions of novels by Tobias Smollett, Oliver Goldsmith, and Laurence Sterne.

Rowlandson’s designs were usually executed in outline with a reed pen and delicately washed with colour. They were then etched by the artist on copper and afterward aquatinted—usually by a professional engraver, the impressions being finally coloured by hand. The works of Rowlandson’s prime are outstanding in the vitality of their outline and the gusto of their comment on human weaknesses.