Indian philosopher
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In Indian mathematics: The post-Vedic context
1st century bce) by Vasumitra mentions merchants’ “counting pits,” where tokens in a row of shallow depressions kept track of units, hundreds, and thousands (a tens pit may have been included but is not specified). Using these as a simile for the changeable aspects of unchanging realities, Vasumitra says,…
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philosophical theories
- In Indian philosophy: Contributions of the Sarvastivadins
…these, the theory advanced by Vasumitra, a 1st–2nd-century-ce Sarvastivadin, viz., that temporal predicates are determined by the function of a dharma, is accepted by the Vaibhashikas—i.e., those among the Sarvastivadins who follow the authority of the texts known as the Vibhasha.
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