William Hyde Wollaston
- Born:
- August 6, 1766, East Dereham, Norfolk, England
- Died:
- December 22, 1828, London (aged 62)
- Awards And Honors:
- Copley Medal (1802)
William Hyde Wollaston (born August 6, 1766, East Dereham, Norfolk, England—died December 22, 1828, London) was a British scientist who enhanced the techniques of powder metallurgy to become the first to produce and market pure, malleable platinum. He also made fundamental discoveries in many areas of science and discovered the elements palladium (1802) and rhodium (1804).
Early life and education
Wollaston was the seventh of 17 children born to Althea Hyde and Francis Wollaston. Theirs was a financially comfortable family, which was well positioned in British scientific and religious circles. His great-grandfather William Wollaston was a well-known theological author; his uncle Charlton Wollaston had been physician to the queen’s household; and his father was a vicar of the Church of England, a competent astronomer, and a fellow of the Royal Society of London. Wollaston was raised in an intellectually vibrant household, schooled at Charterhouse School in London, and studied medicine at Caius College, Cambridge. He obtained a medical degree from Cambridge in 1793 and practiced medicine in rural England until 1797, when he moved to London. He had been unhappy as a physician, because of both the constant demands on his time and the physician’s inability to do much to alleviate patients’ suffering. Thus, upon receiving a large sum of money from his older brother George in 1799, Wollaston abandoned medicine to pursue his much stronger interests in science, particularly chemistry.
Platinum and new metals
In 1800 Wollaston formed a cost-sharing partnership with Smithson Tennant, whom he had befriended at Cambridge, to produce and market chemical products. Although Tennant achieved only limited success in his independent endeavours, Wollaston was spectacularly successful. He set about trying to produce platinum in a pure malleable form, something that had been attempted unsuccessfully by others before him. After a few years of research, he was able to perfect a chemical process for converting inexpensive granular platinum ore smuggled out of New Granada (now Colombia) into platinum powder of high purity and of consolidating the powder into malleable ingots, which he sold at substantial profit over the next 20 years. The pure metal, which had properties similar to gold but sold at one-quarter the price, found many scientific and technological uses. He kept the details of his process secret, and, by purchasing all of the available platinum ore, he became wealthy as a result of being the sole supplier of pure platinum in England. He published the details of his process only at the time of his death.

Careful chemical analysis of the metals that dissolved with platinum in the first step of his purification process led Wollaston to the discovery of two new metallic elements, palladium and rhodium. Tennant undertook the analysis of the less-soluble constituents of the platinum ore and discovered two other new metals, osmium and iridium. The discovery of these rare elements established the reputations of both men as gifted experimental chemists. Wollaston, especially, became famous for his ability to analyze small quantities of substances, and he was continually called upon by mineralogists to determine the chemical components of new minerals. The mineral wollastonite was named in his honour for his many contributions to crystallography and mineral analysis.
Other scientific achievements
Wollaston never married. Although he had a wide circle of friends, he was most contented when pursuing his scientific interests in the quiet of his own home. He had a remarkably acute and imaginative mind and made, in addition to his chemical work, significant contributions to the fields of botany, mechanics, electrochemistry, astronomy, crystallography, physiology, optics, and scientific instrumentation. He obtained a patent for a new form of spectacle lens (1804), and he patented the camera lucida (1806) and published a book on its design (1807). In 1809 he invented the reflective goniometer, an instrument that accurately gives the angles between the faces of crystals. With his discovery of multiple combining proportions in acid salts in 1808, he also supplied crucial support for the English scientist John Dalton’s atomic theory, and he invented a widely used slide rule of chemical equivalents in 1813. In 1820 he reported the inability of most humans to hear the high-pitched notes of bats and insects, and in 1824, while investigating the possible physiological basis for his own recurring visual problems (now known as hemianopia), he deduced the correct anatomical arrangement of human optic nerves. His breadth and depth of scientific knowledge led his close scientific friends to call him the “pope of science,” and the great English philosopher William Whewell claimed that a conversation with Wollaston was “like talking to pure intelligence.”
Wollaston was an extremely influential member of the Royal Society from the time he was elected in 1793 until his death. He served for many years on the Council of the Society as secretary or vice president, and he even held the presidency in 1820 between the terms of naturalist Joseph Banks and chemist Humphry Davy. In 1814 Wollaston recommended adoption of the British imperial gallon to the House of Commons Select Committee of Weights and Measures, and from 1818 to 1828 he served on the government’s Board of Longitude.
Later years
Wollaston closed down his platinum business in 1820 when supplies of crude platinum ore dried up. Although he continued to publish scientific papers, he spent more time traveling and visiting friends after closing his business. In 1828 Wollaston began to suffer transient periods of partial paralysis and reacted by methodically but quickly dictating the last of his scientific papers, selecting mementos for his closest friends, and distributing his wealth among his many brothers and sisters. An autopsy revealed that he died of a brain tumour, which he had earlier suspected as the cause of his declining health. Wollaston, physician and physicist Thomas Young, and Davy all died within six months of each other, and the loss of three of Britain’s leading scientists caused several contemporaries to claim that their passing signaled a perceptible decline in British science.