Zubayr Pasha
African slaver
Also known as: Zobeir Pasha, al-Zubayr Raḥmah Manṣūr, az-Zubayr Pasha
Learn about this topic in these articles:
association with Rābiḥ az-Zubayr
- In Rābiḥ az-Zubayr
…the military service of az-Zubayr Pasha, a Sudanese prince. Rābiḥ was loyal and capable, and he rose to a position of command. When in 1878 az-Zubayr rebelled against the Egyptian administration of the Sudan, Rābiḥ gave him loyal support. Az-Zubayr, however, was defeated, and rather than surrender, as did…
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control of slave trade in The Sudan
- In Sudan: Ismāʿīl Pasha and the growth of European influence
…greatest slaver of them all, al-Zubayr Raḥmah Manṣūr, more commonly known as Zubayr (or Zobeir) Pasha. So powerful had he become that in 1873, the year Baker retired from the Sudan, the Egyptian viceroy (now called the khedive) appointed Zubayr governor of the Baḥr al-Ghazāl. Ismāʿīl’s officials had failed to…
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