Plants, HIC-KER

Life on Earth owes much to plants. The vast majority of plants carry out photosynthesis to transform light energy into chemical energy, which is the way that virtually all energy in the biosphere becomes available to living things (including us humans). Plants occupy the base of Earth's food webs and are consumed directly or indirectly by all higher life-forms, thereby functioning as the major source of food for humans and other animals. Plants' photosynthetic activity also produces the air that we breathe: almost all the oxygen in the atmosphere is due to the process of photosynthesis. Still not convinced about the merits of plants? Consider the fact that many plants not only serve up crucial nutrients and breathable air but also look good doing it. Many plants are admired for their striking aesthetic qualities, and flowers such as tulips, lilies, sunflowers, and daisies beautify fields, gardens, windowsills, and bouquets the world over. Plants are also a primary source of consumer goods, such as building materials, textile fibers, and pharmaceuticals.
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Plants Encyclopedia Articles By Title

hickory, (genus Carya), genus of about 18 species of deciduous timber and nut-producing trees of the walnut family......
Hoagland, Dennis Robert
Dennis Robert Hoagland was an American plant physiologist and authority on plant and soil interactions. Hoagland......
Hofmeister, Wilhelm
Wilhelm Hofmeister was a German botanist whose investigations of plant structure made him a pioneer in the science......
hog plum
hog plum, (Spondias mombin), ornamental tree of the cashew family (Anacardiaceae), native to the tropical Americas.......
hogweed, either of two plant species of the cow parsnip genus (Heracleum) in the parsley family (Apiaceae). Both......
holly, (genus Ilex), genus of some 600 species of shrubs and trees in the family Aquifoliaceae, distributed nearly......
hollyhock, (Alcea rosea), herbaceous flowering plant of the hibiscus, or mallow, family (Malvaceae) native to China......
holy basil
holy basil, (Ocimum tenuiflorum), flowering plant of the mint family (Lamiaceae) grown for its aromatic leaves.......
honesty, (genus Lunaria), genus of three species of plants in the mustard family (Brassicaceae), native to Europe.......
honey bell
honey bell, (Hermannia verticillata), a rambling shrub of the mallow family (Malvaceae), native to Africa. Widely......
honey bush
honey bush, (Melianthus major), evergreen shrub, of the family Melianthaceae, native to southern Africa. Because......
honey locust
honey locust, (genus Gleditsia), genus of 12 species of thorny trees or shrubs in the pea family (Fabaceae). Honey......
honeysuckle, (genus Lonicera), genus of about 180 species of ornamental shrubs and climbers of the family Caprifoliaceae.......
hop, either of two species of the genus Humulus, nonwoody annual or perennial vines in the hemp family (Cannabinaceae)......
hop tree
hop tree, (Ptelea trifoliata), tree or shrub of the rue family (Rutaceae), native to eastern North America. The......
hop-hornbeam, (genus Ostrya), genus of about seven species of deciduous ornamental trees of the birch family (Betulaceae)......
hopbush, common name for certain tropical and subtropical bushes and trees of the genus Dodonaea, within the soapberry......
horehound, (Marrubium vulgare), bitter perennial herb of the mint family (Lamiaceae), native to Europe, North Africa,......
horn-tooth moss
horn-tooth moss, any plant of the genus Ceratodon (about 5 species) in the subclass Bryidae. The most abundant......
hornbeam, (genus Carpinus), genus of about 25 species of hardy slow-growing ornamental and timber trees in the......
horned poppy
horned poppy, (genus Glaucium), genus of approximately 25 species of plants of the poppy family (Papaveraceae),......
hornwort, (division Anthocerotophyta), any of about 300 species of small nonvascular plants. Hornworts usually......
horse chestnut
horse chestnut, any of several trees belonging to the genus Aesculus in the horse chestnut family (Hippocastanaceae),......
horse sugar
horse sugar, either of two shrubs or small trees in the genus Symplocos, with 320 species, of the family Symplocaceae.......
horseradish, (Armoracia rusticana), hardy perennial plant of the mustard family (Brassicaceae) known for its hotly......
horsetail, (genus Equisetum), fifteen species of rushlike conspicuously jointed perennial herbs, the only living......
hosta, (genus Hosta), any of about 40 species of hardy herbaceous perennials in the asparagus family (Asparagaceae),......
hound’s-tongue, any of 75 species of the plant genus Cynoglossum, in the family Boraginaceae, including the bright-blue-flowered......
houseleek, (genus Sempervivum), genus of about 30 species of low-growing succulent plants in the stonecrop family......
houseplant, any plant adapted for growing indoors. The most common are exotic plants native to warm, frost-free......
huckleberry, any of several species of small fruit-bearing shrubs of the genus Gaylussacia (family Ericaceae).......
Humboldt, Alexander von
Alexander von Humboldt was a German naturalist and explorer who was a major figure in the classical period of physical......
Huon pine
Huon pine, (Lagarostrobos franklinii), gray-barked conifer of the family Podocarpaceae. It is found along Tasmanian......
hyacinth, (genus Hyacinthus), small genus of bulbous herbs (family Asparagaceae, formerly Hyacinthaceae), native......
Hydnora, genus of 8 to 10 species of unusual parasitic flowering plants native to Africa, Madagascar, and the Arabian......
hydrangea, (genus Hydrangea), any of a genus of erect or climbing woody shrubs, in the family Hydrangeaceae, native......
Hydrangeaceae, the hydrangea family of flowering plants, in the order Cornales, comprising 19 genera and about......
hydrilla, (Hydrilla verticillata), submerged aquatic plant that is the sole member of the genus Hydrilla in the......
Hydrocharitaceae, the frog’s-bit family of monocotyledonous flowering plants, with some 18 cosmopolitan genera......
Hydrocleys, genus of perennial aquatic plants of the family Alismataceae (formerly placed in Limnocharitaceae),......
Hydrostachyaceae, plant family in the order Cornales, composed of a single genus (Hydrostachys) of some 20 species.......
Hyenia, genus of herbaceous plants from the Middle Devonian Epoch (about 398 to 385 million years ago). Hyenia......
Hymenophyllaceae, the filmy fern family (order Hymenophyllales), containing 7 or more genera and some 600 species.......
Hypecoeae, tribe within the poppy family (Papaveraceae), comprising 15 species of a single genus, Hypecoum. Members......
hyssop, (Hyssopus officinalis), evergreen garden herb of the mint family (Lamiaceae), grown for its aromatic leaves......
ice plant
ice plant, any of several species of low-growing succulent plants of the carpetweed family (Aizoaceae). They include......
Impatiens, large genus of herbaceous plants belonging to the family Balsaminaceae. Impatiens are widely distributed......
incense cedar
incense cedar, (species Calocedrus decurrens), ornamental and timber evergreen conifer of the cypress family (Cupressaceae).......
India rubber plant
India rubber plant, (Ficus elastica), large tree of the family Moraceae, once an important source of an inferior......
Indian grass
Indian grass, (Sorghastrum nutans), perennial grass of the family Poaceae, one of the important constituents of......
Indian hemp
Indian hemp, (species Apocynum cannabinum), North American plant of the dogbane family Apocynaceae (order Gentianales).......
Indian paint brush
Indian paint brush, any plant of the genus Castilleja (family Scrophulariaceae), which contains about 200 species......
Indian pipe
Indian pipe, (Monotropa uniflora), nonphotosynthetic perennial herb of the heath family (Ericaceae). The plant......
Indian tobacco
Indian tobacco, (species Lobelia inflata), annual plant of the family Campanulaceae, native to open woodlands of......
indigo, (genus Indigofera), large genus of more than 750 species of shrubs, trees, and herbs in the pea family......
Indonesia Botanical Gardens
Indonesia Botanical Gardens, tropical garden in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. It is renowned for its research on......
inflorescence, in a flowering plant, a cluster of flowers on a branch or a system of branches. An inflorescence......
Ipomoea, genus of about 500 mostly warm-climate trees, shrubs, and twining and trailing herbaceous plants of the......
Iridaceae, the iris family of flowering plants (order Asparagales), comprising 66 genera and around 2,200 species.......
iris, (genus Iris), genus of about 300 species of flowering plants, including some of the world’s most popular......
ironweed, (genus Vernonia), genus of about 500 species of perennial plants of the aster family (Asteraceae). Small......
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, one of the most well-known objective assessment systems for classifying the......
ivy, (genus Hedera), genus of about 15 species of evergreen woody vines (rarely shrubs) in the ginseng family (Araliaceae),......
jaboticaba, (Plinia cauliflora), tree of the myrtle family (Myrtaceae) and its edible fruits. Jaboticaba is native......
jacaranda, any plant of the genus Jacaranda (family Bignoniaceae), especially the two ornamental trees J. mimosifolia......
jack-in-the-pulpit, (species Arisaema triphyllum), a North American plant of the arum family (Araceae), noted for......
jackfruit, (Artocarpus heterophyllus), evergreen tree (family Moraceae) native to tropical Asia and widely grown......
Jacob’s ladder
Jacob’s ladder, any of about 25 species of the genus Polemonium of the family Polemoniaceae, native to temperate......
Japanese cedar
Japanese cedar, (Cryptomeria japonica), a coniferous evergreen timber tree and only species of the genus Cryptomeria......
Japanese knotweed
Japanese knotweed, (Fallopia japonica), herbaceous perennial plant of the buckwheat family (Polygonaceae) native......
Japanese pagoda tree
Japanese pagoda tree, (Styphnolobium japonicum), tree of the pea family (Fabaceae). Despite its name, the Japanese......
Japanese torreya
Japanese torreya, (Torreya nucifera), an ornamental evergreen timber tree of the yew family (Taxaceae), native......
Japanese yew
Japanese yew, (Taxus cuspidata), an ornamental evergreen shrub or tree of the yew family (Taxaceae), native to......
jasmine, (genus Jasminum), genus of about 200 species of fragrant-flowered shrubs and vines of the olive family......
jatropha, (genus Jatropha), member of the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae), native in both New World and Old World......
jequirity bean
jequirity bean, (Abrus precatorius), plant of the pea family (Fabaceae), found in tropical regions. The plant is......
Jerusalem artichoke
Jerusalem artichoke, (Helianthus tuberosus), sunflower species (Asteraceae family) native to North America and......
jewel orchid
jewel orchid, any member of several closely related genera of orchids (family Orchidaceae) cultivated for their......
jimsonweed, (Datura stramonium), annual herbaceous plant of the nightshade family (Solanaceae). Possibly native......
Job’s tears
Job’s tears, (Coix lacryma-jobi), cereal grass of the family Poaceae, native to tropical Asia. Job’s tears receives......
Johannsen, Wilhelm Ludvig
Wilhelm Ludvig Johannsen was a Danish botanist and geneticist whose experiments in plant heredity offered strong......
jojoba, (Simmondsia chinensis), leathery-leaved shrub in the box family (Buxaceae), native to the southwestern......
jonquil, (Narcissus jonquilla), bulbous herb of the amaryllis family, commonly grown as a garden flower. Jonquils......
joy perfume tree
joy perfume tree, (Magnolia champaca), tree native to tropical Asia that is best known for its pleasant fragrance.......
jujube, either of two species of small spiny trees of the genus Ziziphus (family Rhamnaceae) and their fruit. Jujube......
juniper, (genus Juniperus), genus of about 60 to 70 species of aromatic evergreen trees or shrubs of the cypress......
Jussieu, Antoine de
Antoine de Jussieu was a French physician and botanist who wrote many papers on human anatomy, zoology, and botany,......
Jussieu, Antoine-Laurent de
Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu was a French botanist who developed the principles that served as the foundation of......
Jussieu, Bernard de
Bernard de Jussieu was a French botanist who founded a method of plant classification based on the anatomical characters......
jute, either of two species of Corchorus plants—C. capsularis, or white jute, and C. olitorius, including both......
jícama, (Pachyrhizus erosus), leguminous vine of the pea family (Fabaceae), grown for its edible tubers. Jícama......
Kaibara Ekken
Kaibara Ekken was a neo-Confucian philosopher, travel writer, and pioneer botanist of the early Tokugawa period......
kalanchoe, (genus Kalanchoe), genus of about 120 species of succulent plants of the stonecrop family (Crassulaceae).......
kale, (Brassica oleracea, variety acephala), loose-leafed edible plant derived from the cabbage of the mustard......
kalmia, any of about seven species of evergreen shrubs constituting a genus (Kalmia) in the heath family (Ericaceae).......
katsura tree
katsura tree, (species Cercidiphyllum japonicum), upright, gracefully branching tree native to China and Japan,......
kauri pine
kauri pine, (Agathis australis), a resinous timber conifer of the family Araucariaceae, native to the North Island......
kenaf, (species Hibiscus cannabinus), fast-growing plant of the hibiscus, or mallow, family (Malvaceae) and its......
Kentucky coffeetree
Kentucky coffeetree, (Gymnocladus dioicus), deciduous tree of the pea family (Fabaceae), native to North America......
Kerguelen cabbage
Kerguelen cabbage, (Pringlea antiscorbutica), plant resembling the common cabbage and belonging to the same family......

Plants Encyclopedia Articles By Title