Sculpture, ABA-CAR

Looking to find a use for that extra clay, stone, plaster, or metal that you have lying around? Consider sculpture, in which artists employ these materials and others to create three-dimensional art. Perhaps you’ll join the ranks of noted sculptors such as Michelangelo, Auguste Rodin, and Donatello.
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Sculpture Encyclopedia Articles By Title

Abakanowicz, Magdalena
Magdalena Abakanowicz was a Polish artist whose massive series of sculptures earned her international acclaim.......
acrolith, statue, especially ancient Greek, in which the trunk of the figure was of wood and the head, hands, and......
Adam brothers
Adam brothers were three French brothers who sculpted many monuments for the French and Prussian royal residences.......
Aeschbacher, Hans
Hans Aeschbacher was a Swiss sculptor of severe and massive abstract forms. Trained as a printer, Aeschbacher taught......
Agam, Yaacov
Yaacov Agam is a pioneer and leading exponent of optical and kinetic art, best known for his three-dimensional......
Agasias was a sculptor of Ephesus, known for his Borghese Warrior, a statue of a warrior on foot in combat with......
Ageladas was a Greek sculptor said to have been the teacher of Myron, Phidias, and Polyclitus. This tradition testifies......
Agesander was a Greek sculptor who is credited by the 1st-century-ce Roman writer Pliny as the creator, with Polydorus......
Agoracritus was a Greek sculptor said to have been the favourite pupil of Phidias. His most renowned work is the......
Agostino Di Duccio
Agostino Di Duccio was an early Renaissance sculptor whose work is characterized by its linear decorativeness.......
Agostino Di Giovanni
Agostino Di Giovanni was a late Gothic sculptor, best known for his work, with Agnolo di Ventura, on the tomb of......
Ai Weiwei
Ai Weiwei is a Chinese artist and activist who produced a multifaceted array of creative work, including sculptural......
Alcamenes was a sculptor and younger contemporary of Phidias, noted for the delicacy and finish of his works, among......
Aleijadinho was a prolific and influential Brazilian sculptor and architect whose Rococo statuary and religious......
Algardi, Alessandro
Alessandro Algardi was one of the most important Roman sculptors of the 17th century working in the Baroque style.......
Alston, Charles
Charles Alston was an American painter, sculptor, illustrator, and art instructor. He was one of the leading African......
Amarna style
Amarna style, revolutionary style of Egyptian art created by Amenhotep IV, who took the name Akhenaton during his......
Amarāvatī sculpture
Amarāvatī sculpture, Indian sculpture that flourished in the Andhra region of southeastern India from about the......
Ammannati, Bartolommeo
Bartolommeo Ammannati was an Italian sculptor and architect whose buildings mark the transition from the classicizing......
Anatsui, El
El Anatsui is a Ghanaian sculptor who is best known for his large-scale metal tapestries constructed from bottle......
Andre, Carl
Carl Andre was an American sculptor associated with Minimalism. Andre is known for abstract work made of repetitive......
Anguier, François
François Anguier was a French sculptor who produced gisants and decorations for tombs, churches, palaces, and public......
Anguier, Michel
Michel Anguier was a French sculptor who produced decorations for tombs, churches, palaces, and public monuments.......
Antelami, Benedetto
Benedetto Antelami was an Italian sculptor and architect considered to have been one of the greatest of his time.......
Antenor was an Athenian sculptor of the late Archaic period who carved the first group of statues of the tyrannicides......
Aphrodisias, ancient city of the Caria region of southwestern Asia Minor (Anatolia, or modern Turkey), situated......
Apollonius Of Tralles
Apollonius Of Tralles was a Greek sculptor from the province of Caria, in Asia Minor, known for his execution in......
Apollonius The Athenian
Apollonius The Athenian was a sculptor known only by his signatures on the marble “Belvedere Torso,” now in the......
Ara Pacis
Ara Pacis, shrine consisting of a marble altar in a walled enclosure erected in Rome’s Campus Martius (Field of......
Archaic smile
Archaic smile, the smile that characteristically appears on the faces of Greek statues of the Archaic period (c.......
Archermus was an ancient Greek sculptor from the island of Chios who was known for his treatment of draped female......
Archipenko, Alexander
Alexander Archipenko was a Ukrainian American artist best known for his original Cubist-inspired sculptural style.......
armature, in sculpture, a skeleton or framework used by an artist to support a figure being modeled in soft plastic......
Armory Show
Armory Show, an exhibition of painting and sculpture held from February 17 to March 15, 1913, at the Sixty-ninth......
Arnolfo di Cambio
Arnolfo di Cambio was an Italian sculptor and architect whose works embody the transition between the late Gothic......
Arp, Jean
Jean Arp was a French sculptor, painter, and poet who was one of the leaders of the European avant-garde in the......
Asam, Egid Quirin
Egid Quirin Asam was a late Baroque architect whose work, often produced in collaboration with his brother Cosmas......
Asawa, Ruth
Ruth Asawa was an American artist known for her abstract wire sculptures, many of which were displayed suspended......
Baccio d’Agnolo
Baccio d’Agnolo was a wood-carver, sculptor, and architect who exerted an important influence on the Renaissance......
Bacon, John
John Bacon was a British Neoclassical sculptor who perfected certain sculpturing techniques. In 1754 Bacon was......
Balbás, Jerónimo de
Jerónimo de Balbás was a Spanish architect and sculptor who helped create Mexican Baroque architecture with his......
Ball, Thomas
Thomas Ball was a sculptor whose work had a marked influence on monumental art in the United States, especially......
Bandinelli, Baccio
Baccio Bandinelli was a Florentine Mannerist sculptor whose Michelangelo-influenced works were favoured by the......
Barlach, Ernst
Ernst Barlach was an outstanding sculptor of the Expressionist movement whose style has often been called “modern......
Barnard, George Grey
George Grey Barnard was a sculptor and art collector whose private medieval and Gothic art collection was integral......
Barney, Matthew
Matthew Barney is an American sculptor and video artist whose five-part Cremaster film cycle was praised for its......
Barracco Museum of Antique Sculpture
Barracco Museum of Antique Sculpture, in Rome, museum devoted to ancient sculpture and comprising the collection......
Bartholdi, Frédéric-Auguste
Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi was a French sculptor of the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. Bartholdi trained......
Bartholomé, Albert
Albert Bartholomé was a sculptor whose works, particularly his funerary art, made him one of the best known of......
Barthé, Richmond
Richmond Barthé was an American sculptor who was a vital participant in the Harlem Renaissance. Barthé was born......
Barye, Antoine-Louis
Antoine-Louis Barye was a prolific French sculptor, painter, and printmaker whose subject was primarily animals.......
bas-relief, in sculpture, any work where the projection from a supporting background is shallow. Bas-relief contrasts......
Baselitz, Georg
Georg Baselitz is a German painter, printmaker, and sculptor who is considered to be a pioneering Neo-Expressionist.......
Baskin, Leonard
Leonard Baskin was an American sculptor, illustrator, and printmaker noted for his impressive though bleak portrayals......
Bathycles was an ancient Greek sculptor whose only known work was a marble altar built around an ancient statue......
beak style
beak style, distinctive use of birdlike forms in human figures carved in wood in the lower Sepik and Ramu regions......
Beccafumi, Domenico
Domenico Beccafumi was an Italian painter and sculptor, a leader in the post-Renaissance style known as Mannerism.......
Beehive, The
The Beehive, artists’ settlement on the outskirts of the Montparnasse section of Paris, which in the early 20th......
Begas, Reinhold
Reinhold Begas was an artist who dominated Prussian sculpture for a generation after 1870. Begas began studying......
Belvedere Torso
Belvedere Torso, Hellenistic sculpture fragment of a male nude (5 feet 2 58 inches [1.59 m] high) in the Vatican......
Benedetto da Maiano
Benedetto da Maiano was an early Renaissance sculptor, whose work is characterized by its decorative elegance and......
Benin Bronzes
Benin Bronzes, loose term used to describe thousands of artworks looted in 1897 by the British army during its......
Bernini, Gian Lorenzo
Gian Lorenzo Bernini was an Italian artist who was perhaps the greatest sculptor of the 17th century and an outstanding......
Bernini, Pietro
Pietro Bernini was an Italian late Mannerist sculptor who was invited to Rome in 1605/06 to work for Pope Paul......
Berruguete, Alonso
Alonso Berruguete was the most important Spanish sculptor of the Renaissance, known for his intensely emotional......
Bertoia, Harry
Harry Bertoia was an Italian-born American sculptor, printmaker, and jewelry and furniture designer best known......
Bertoldo di Giovanni
Bertoldo di Giovanni was an Italian Renaissance sculptor and medalist who was a student of Donatello and a teacher......
Beuys, Joseph
Joseph Beuys was a German avant-garde sculptor and performance artist whose works, characterized by unorthodox......
Bewcastle Cross
Bewcastle Cross, runic monument in Cumbria, Eng., dating from the late 7th or early 8th century. Although the top......
Bharhut sculpture
Bharhut sculpture, early Indian sculpture of the Shunga period (mid-2nd century bce) that decorated the great stupa,......
bieri, wooden mortuary figure of the Fang tribe of Gabon, Africa, that traditionally guarded the skulls of deceased......
Bill, Max
Max Bill was a Swiss graphic artist, industrial designer, architect, sculptor, and painter, primarily important......
bird stone
bird stone, abstract stone carving, one of the most striking artifacts left by the prehistoric North American Indians......
bisj pole
bisj pole, carved wooden pole used in religious rites of the South Pacific Islands. Bisj poles are occasionally......
Boccioni, Umberto
Umberto Boccioni was an Italian painter, sculptor, and theorist of the Futurist movement in art. Boccioni was trained......
Bontecou, Lee
Lee Bontecou was an American artist whose work ranged from dark, dramatic abstract constructions to softer, transparent......
Borglum, Gutzon
Gutzon Borglum was an American sculptor, who is best known for his colossal sculpture of the faces of four U.S.......
Botero, Fernando
Fernando Botero was a Colombian artist known for his paintings and sculptures of inflated human and animal shapes.......
Bouchardon, Edmé
Edmé Bouchardon was a French sculptor who was a precursor of Neoclassicism. His statues are characterized by a......
Boucher, François
François Boucher was a painter, engraver, and designer whose works are regarded as the perfect expression of French......
Bourdelle, Antoine
Antoine Bourdelle was a French sculptor whose works—exhibiting exaggerated, rippling surfaces mingled with the......
Bourgeois, Louise
Louise Bourgeois was a French-born sculptor known for her monumental abstract and often biomorphic works that deal......
Brancusi, Constantin
Constantin Brancusi was a pioneer of modern abstract sculpture whose works in bronze and marble are characterized......
Brock, Sir Thomas
Sir Thomas Brock was an English sculptor best known for the imperial memorial to Queen Victoria now in front of......
Brustolon, Andrea
Andrea Brustolon was an Italian wood-carver, known for his furniture in the Venetian Baroque style, characterized......
Buli style
Buli style, African wood sculpture made by the Luba peoples (Baluba) of Congo (Kinshasa). Because the carvings—which......
Burden, Chris
Chris Burden was an American performance and installation artist and sculptor based in Los Angeles who in the 1970s......
Burgundian Romanesque style
Burgundian Romanesque style, architectural and sculptural style (c. 1075–c. 1125) that emerged in the duchy of......
Burke, Selma
Selma Burke was an American sculptor and educator whose most notable work is a portrait of U.S. Pres. Franklin......
Burri, Alberto
Alberto Burri was an Italian artist known for his adventurous use of new materials. Burri was trained as a physician......
Bustelli, Franz Anton
Franz Anton Bustelli was a modeller of porcelain sculpture, recognized for the excellence of his work in the light,......
Butades Of Sicyon
Butades Of Sicyon was an ancient Greek clayman, who, according to the Roman writer Pliny the Elder, was the first......
Butler, Reg
Reg Butler was an English sculptor of figurative works noted for their strenuous quality of line. Butler studied......
Butterfield, Deborah
Deborah Butterfield is an American sculptor known for her semiabstract elegant sculptures of horses, made initially......
Caffiéri family
Caffiéri family, family of French sculptors and metalworkers known for their vigorous and original works in the......
Calder, Alexander
Alexander Calder was an American artist best known for his innovation of the mobile suspended sheet metal and wire......
Callimachus was a Greek sculptor, perhaps an Athenian, reputed to have invented the Corinthian capital after witnessing......
Cano, Alonso
Alonso Cano was a painter, sculptor, and architect, often called the Spanish Michelangelo for his diversity of......
Canova, Antonio, marchese d’Ischia
Antonio Canova, marchese d’Ischia was an Italian sculptor, one of the greatest exponents of Neoclassicism. Among......
Carducci, Bartolommeo
Bartolommeo Carducci was an Italian-born painter, architect, and sculptor who was active in Spain. Carducci studied......

Sculpture Encyclopedia Articles By Title