South American Peoples, ABI-YáM

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South American Peoples Encyclopedia Articles By Title

Abipón, South American Indian people who formerly lived on the lower Bermejo River in the Argentine Gran Chaco.......
Achagua, South American Indian people of Venezuela and eastern Colombia. They speak a language of the Maipurean......
Aché, nomadic South American Indian people living in eastern Paraguay. The Aché speak a Tupian dialect of the Tupi-Guaranian......
Alacaluf, South American Indian people, very few (about 10) in number, living on the eastern coast of Isla Wellington......
Andean peoples
Andean peoples, aboriginal inhabitants of the area of the Central Andes in South America. Although the Andes Mountains......
Apapocuva, a Guarani-speaking South American Indian people living in small, scattered villages throughout the Mato......
Araucanian, any member of a group of Indigenous South Americans that are now concentrated in the fertile valleys......
Atacama, extinct South American Indian culture of the Andean desert oases of northern Chile and northwestern Argentina.......
Aymara, large South American Indian group living on the Altiplano—a vast windy plateau of the central Andes in......
Bororo, South American Indian people found along the upper Paraguay River and its tributaries in the Mato Grosso......
Botocudo, South American Indian people who lived in what is now the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. They spoke......
Canelo, South American Indian people that traditionally lived along the upper Pastaza, Bobonaza, and Napo rivers......
Carajá, tribe of South American Indians living along the Araguaia River, near the inland island of Bananal, in......
Charrúa, South American Indians who inhabited the grasslands north of the Río de la Plata in a territory somewhat......
Chibcha, South American Indians who at the time of the Spanish conquest occupied the high valleys surrounding the......
Chimú, South American Indians who maintained the largest and most important political system in Peru before the......
Chiriguano, Guaraní-speaking South American Indians living in the Bolivian foothills of the eastern Andes and in......
Chono, extinct South American Indian group that lived in southern Chile, between the Corcovado Gulf and the Gulf......
Diaguita, Indian peoples of South America, formerly inhabiting northwestern Argentina and the Chilean provinces......
Ge, South American Indian peoples who speak languages of the Macro-Ge group. They inhabit eastern and southern......
Guaraní, South American Indian group living mainly in Paraguay and speaking a Tupian language also called Guaraní.......
Guató, Indians of the lowlands and marshes of the upper Paraguay River (along the modern-day border between Brazil......
Huarpe, extinct Indian people of South America who inhabited an area bounded on the west by the Andes and on the......
Inca, South American Indians who, at the time of the Spanish conquest in 1532, ruled an empire that extended along......
Jirajara, Indians of northwestern Venezuela who were extinct by the mid-17th century. The little known about them......
Jívaro, South American Indian people living in the Montaña (the eastern slopes of the Andes), in Ecuador and Peru......
Kawaíb, South American Indian peoples of the Brazilian Mato Grosso. In the 18th and early 19th centuries they were......
Makú, any of several South American Indian societies who traditionally hunted, gathered wild plant foods, and fished......
Mapuche, the most numerous group of Indians in South America. They numbered more than 1,400,000 at the turn of......
Maxakali, South American Indians speaking related languages of the Maxakali branch of the Macro-Ge language family.......
Mbayá, South American Indians of the Argentine, Paraguayan, and Brazilian Chaco, speakers of a Guaycuruan language.......
Mundurukú, South American Indian people of the Amazon tropical forest. The Mundurukú speak a language of the Tupian......
Mura, South American Indian people of the Amazon tropical forest of western Brazil. The Mura originally inhabited......
Nambicuara, South American Indian people of the northern Mato Grosso. Once estimated at more than 20,000, the population......
Ona, South American Indians who once inhabited the island of Tierra del Fuego. They were historically divided into......
Pijao, Indian people of the southern highlands of Colombia. By the mid-20th century the Pijao were thought to be......
Puelche, extinct South American Indian tribe that inhabited the grassy Pampas in the vicinity of the Río Negro......
Purí and Coroado
Purí and Coroado, two South American Indian tribes closely related in language and culture. According to a Coroado......
Quechua, South American Indians living in the Andean highlands from Ecuador to Bolivia. They speak many regional......
Querandí, South American Indians who inhabited the Argentine Pampas between Cabo Blanco on the Atlantic coast and......
Shipibo, Panoan-speaking Indian group living on the upper Ucayali River near the headwaters of the Amazon, on the......
Sirionó, South American Indian people of eastern Bolivia. They live in the dense tropical forests of the eastern......
South American forest Indian
South American forest Indian, indigenous inhabitants of the tropical forests of South America. The tribal cultures......
South American Indian
South American Indian, member of any of the aboriginal peoples inhabiting the continent of South America. The customs......
South American nomad
South American nomad, indigenous inhabitants of South America living as nomadic hunters, gatherers, and fishers.......
Tehuelche, South American Indians who formerly inhabited the Patagonian plains from the Strait of Magellan to the......
Tucuna, a South American Indian people living in Brazil, Peru, and Colombia, around the Amazon-Solimões and Putomayo-Içá......
Tupian, South American Indians who speak languages of the Tupian linguistic group. Tupian-speaking peoples were......
Tupinambá, South American Indian peoples who spoke Tupian languages and inhabited the eastern coast of Brazil from......
Warao, nomadic South American Indians speaking a language of the Macro-Chibchan group and, in modern times, inhabiting......
Wichí, South American Indians of the Gran Chaco, who speak an independent language and live mostly between the......
Witoto, South American Indians of southeastern Colombia and northern Peru, belonging to an isolated language group.......
Xavante, Brazilian Indian group speaking Xavante, a language of the Macro-Ge language family. The Xavante, who......
Xerénte, Brazilian Indian group speaking Xerénte, a Macro-Ge language. The Xerénte live in northern Goias state,......
Yanomami, South American Indians, speakers of a Xirianá language, who live in the remote forest of the Orinoco......
Yaruro, South American Indian people inhabiting the tributaries of the Orinoco River in Venezuela. Their language,......
Yámana, South American Indian people, very few in number, who were the traditional occupants of the south coast......