Amitai Etzioni
Amitai Etzioni
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University Professor of Sociology, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Director, The Institute of Communitarian Policy Studies. Author of The Spirit of Community and others.

Primary Contributions (1)
Robert Wilson: Chartist demonstration
Communitarianism, social and political philosophy that emphasizes the importance of community in the functioning of political life, in the analysis and evaluation of political institutions, and in understanding human identity and well-being. It arose in the 1980s as a critique of two prominent…
Publications (5)
The Common Good
The Common Good (June 2004)
By Amitai Etzioni
In this book, Amitai Etzioni, public intellectual and leading proponent of communitarian values, defends the view that no society can flourish without a shared obligation to “the common good.” Rejecting claims made by some liberal thinkers that it is not possible to balance individual rights with uncoerced civic responsibility, Etzioni explores a number of key issues which pose important questions for those concerned with promoting the common good in contemporary society. Are we morally obliged...
The Limits Of Privacy
The Limits Of Privacy (April 2000)
By Amitai Etzioni
Privacy is perhaps the most hallowed of American rights—and most people are concerned that new technologies available to governments and corporations threaten to erode this most privileged of rights. But in The Limits of Privacy, Amitai Etzioni offers a decidedly different point of view, in which the right to privacy is balanced against concern for public safety and health. Etzioni looks at five flashpoint issues: Megan's Laws, HIV testing of infants, deciphering of encrypted messages, national...
The New Golden Rule: Community And Morality In A Democratic Society
The New Golden Rule: Community And Morality In A Democratic Society (April 1998)
By Amitai Etzioni
One of the world's leading sociologists and most quoted intellectuals in America today, Amitai Etzioni has been the subject of numerous profiles in all the major media and has worked both with members of the Clinton Administration and Republican senators on social issues and policy. Now, in this important new book, he invites us to explore how a good society should operate and what values we must bring to our social interactions if we are to achieve stronger and more enduring community ties.As...
Spirit Of Community
Spirit Of Community (May 1994)
By Amitai Etzioni

Explains how Americans need to develop or restore a sense of community in order to reconstruct society

The Moral Dimension: Toward a New Economics
The Moral Dimension: Toward a New Economics (June 1990)
By Amitai Etzioni

Author Bio Amitai Etzioni, University Professor at George Washington University and Visiting Professor at the Harvard Business School, 1987-89, is the author of numerous books, including The Active Society.