Bernard Jouve
Website : SAGE Publications
Bernard Jouve studied aspects of urban governance, including phenomena that have become characteristic of modern cities: crime, immigration, mobility, and violence. He contributed an article on “City-Region” to SAGE Publications’ Encyclopedia of Governance (2007), and a version of this article was used for his Britannica entry on this topic.
Primary Contributions (1)
City-region, model of urban development, predominant in North America, that is characterized by extensive urban sprawl and the development of highly powerful economic poles located in the suburbs. City-regions represent the most advanced stage of urban development that exists today. Worldwide, the…
Publications (3)

Encyclopedia of Governance - 2 volume set (December 2006)
The Encyclopedia of Governance provides a one-stop point of reference for the diverse and complex topics surrounding governance for the period between the collapse of the post-war consensus and the rise of neoliberal regimes in the 1970s. This comprehensive resource concentrates primarily on topics related to the changing nature and role of the state in recent times and the ways in which these roles have been conceptualized in the areas of Political Science, Public Administration, Political Economy,...

Metropolitan Democracies: Transformations Of The State And Urban Policy In Canada, France And Great Britain (2005)
Citizen involvement and the concept of partnership in urban governance has long been a major issue in the transformation of local democracy. The move from delegated to participative forms of local government has, in principle, profound consequences for governance at the scale of cities. However, it is clear that partnership and participation are interpreted in many different ways, according to the traditions of government in different countries. This volume brings together the experience of three...

Local Power, Territory and Institutions in European Metropolitan Regions: In Search of Urban Gargantuas (Routledge Studies in Federalism and Decentralization) (May 2002)
A comparative analysis of eight different urban areas - Bologna, Bordeaux, Geneve-Lausanne, Lyons, Manchester, Rotterdam, Stuttgart and Torino - examining key urban issues that are high on the policy agenda of every national government.