Howard Lee Rheingold
Websites : Connected Learning, Howard Rheingold, The Peeragogy Project, Rheingold U.
Howard Rheingold is a pioneer in the development of virtual communities. His book The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier (1993) was one of the first works to treat the Internet as a social and cultural environment worthy of popular and academic attention. His later books include Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution (2002) and Net Smart: How to Thrive Online (2012). He has taught for 30 years, online and face-to-face, at the University of California, Berkeley; Stanford University; and, most recently, at Rheingold U., a new online learning community.
Primary Contributions (2)
Virtual community, a group of people, who may or may not meet one another face to face, who exchange words and ideas through the mediation of digital networks. The first use of the term virtual community appeared in a article by Gene Youngblood written in 1984 but published in 1986 about Electronic…
Publications (3)

Net Smart: How to Thrive Online (March 2012)
Like it or not, knowing how to make use of online tools without being overloaded with too much information is an essential ingredient to personal success in the twenty-first century. But how can we use digital media so that they make us empowered participants rather than passive receivers, grounded, well-rounded people rather than multitasking basket cases? In Net Smart, cyberculture expert Howard Rheingold shows us how to use social media intelligently, humanely, and, above all, mindfully....

Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution (October 2003)
Smart Mobs takes us on a journey around the world for a preview of the next techno-cultural shift. The coming wave, says Rheingold, is the result of super-efficient mobile communications-cellular phones, wireless-paging, and Internet-access devices-that will allow us to connect with anyone, anytime, anywhere.Rheingold offers a penetrating perspective on the new convergence of pop culture, cutting-edge technology, and social activism. He also reminds us that the real impact of mobile communications...

The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier (November 2000)
Howard Rheingold Has Been Called The First Citizen Of The Internet. In This Book He Tours The Virtual Community Of Online Networking. He Describes A Community That Is As Real And As Much A Mixed Bag As Any Physical Community - One Where People Talk, Argue, Seek Information, Organize Politically, Fall In Love, And Dupe Others. At The Same Time That He Tells Moving Stories About People Who Have Received Online Emotional Support During Devastating Illnesses, He Acknowledges A Darker Side To People's...