Fuyubi Nakamura
Website : University of British Columbia
Fuyubi Nakamura is an anthropologist specializing in the visual and material cultures of Japan. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Research School of Humanities at the Australian National University and holds a doctorate from the University of Oxford.
Primary Contributions (7)

Yasukuni Shrine, controversial Shintō shrine established in 1869 and located in the Chiyoda section of Tokyo. At Yasukuni—as at other Shintō shrines in Japan—rituals are performed to honor the principal deities (kami). What distinguishes Yasukuni, however, is that the shrine is dedicated not to the…
Publications (1)

1001 Amazing Places You Must See Before You Die (March 2017)
Looking for a vacation destination? History reference? Beautiful visuals to get lost in? 1001 Amazing Places to See Before You Die has you covered on every front. Both casual travelers and dedicated history buffs will relish this visitor's guide to palaces, cathedrals, temples, battlefields, homes of great artists and statesmen--places and monuments that bear witness to thousands of years of human history. Packed with vivid color photos and...