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1 bath /ˈbæθ/ Brit /ˈbɑːθ/ noun
plural baths /ˈbæðz/ /ˈbæθs/ Brit /ˈbɑːðz/ /ˈbɑːθs/
1 bath
/ˈbæθ/ Brit /ˈbɑːθ/
plural baths /ˈbæðz/ /ˈbæθs/ Brit /ˈbɑːðz/ /ˈbɑːθs/
Britannica Dictionary definition of BATH
: the act of washing the body usually by sitting or lying in a container filled with water
see also bubble bath, sponge bath, turkish bath, take a bath (below)
: the water used for a bath
chiefly British : bathtub
[count] chiefly US : bathroom used when describing the number or kinds of bathrooms in a place
baths [plural]
: a public building where people in the past went to wash or soak their bodies
British, old-fashioned : a public building with a swimming pool in it
[count] technical : a container filled with a liquid in which an object is placed to be cleaned, treated, etc.

take a bath

US, informal
: to lose a large amount of money in a business deal see also 1bath 1a (above)
see also bloodbath
2 bath /ˈbæθ/ Brit /ˈbɑːθ/ verb
baths; bathed; bathing
2 bath
/ˈbæθ/ Brit /ˈbɑːθ/
baths; bathed; bathing
Britannica Dictionary definition of BATH
[+ object] : to wash (someone) in a container filled with water : to give a bath to (someone)
[no object] formal : to have a bath : to wash yourself in a bath