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1 butcher /ˈbʊtʃɚ/ noun
plural butchers
1 butcher
plural butchers
Britannica Dictionary definition of BUTCHER
: someone who cuts and sells meat in a shop
: someone who kills animals and prepares their meat to be eaten
: a shop that sells meat
: someone who kills a lot of people or animals in a brutal or cruel way
informal : someone who does something very roughly and badly

have/take a butcher's

British, informal
: to look at something
2 butcher /ˈbʊtʃɚ/ verb
butchers; butchered; butchering
2 butcher
butchers; butchered; butchering
Britannica Dictionary definition of BUTCHER
[+ object]
: to kill (an animal) and prepare its meat for sale
: to kill (people or animals) in a brutal and cruel way
informal : to do (something) very badly : to make a mess of (something)