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1 flag /ˈflæg/ noun
plural flags
1 flag
plural flags
Britannica Dictionary definition of FLAG
: a piece of cloth with a special design that is used as a symbol of a nation or group
◊ To fly/show/wave the flag is to display the flag of your country as a sign of patriotism.
: a piece of cloth used as a signal or to attract attention
see also red flag, white flag
compare 4flag
2 flag /ˈflæg/ verb
flags; flagged; flagging
2 flag
flags; flagged; flagging
Britannica Dictionary definition of FLAG
[+ object]
: to signal (someone or something that is moving past you) to stop especially by raising or waving your hand often + down
: to mark (something, such as a page or section of a book) so that it can be easily seen or found
American football : to signal that you are giving a penalty to (a player) by throwing a penalty flag
compare 3flag
3 flag /ˈflæg/ verb
flags; flagged; flagging
3 flag
flags; flagged; flagging
Britannica Dictionary definition of FLAG
[no object]
: to become weak
: to become less interesting, attractive, or valuable
compare 2flag
4 flag /ˈflæg/ noun
plural flags
4 flag
plural flags
Britannica Dictionary definition of FLAG
compare 1flag