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1 joke /ˈʤoʊk/ noun
plural jokes
1 joke
plural jokes
Britannica Dictionary definition of JOKE
: something said or done to cause laughter
: a brief story with a surprising and funny ending
see also in-joke, practical joke
disapproving : someone or something that is not worth taking seriously
2 joke /ˈʤoʊk/ verb
jokes; joked; joking
2 joke
jokes; joked; joking
Britannica Dictionary definition of JOKE
: to say things that are meant to cause laughter : to make jokes about someone or something
[no object]
[+ object]

joking aside

or British joking apart
used to introduce a serious statement that follows a humorous statement

— jokingly

/ˈʤoʊkɪŋli/ adverb [more jokingly; most jokingly]