Anglo-Zanzibar War
Anglo-Zanzibar War, (August 27, 1896), brief conflict between the British Empire and the East African island sultanate of Zanzibar. Following the death of the previous sultan, Zanzibari Prince Khālid ibn Barghash refused to accept the British Empire’s preferred successor and instead occupied the sultan’s palace, which prompted imperial cruisers to fire on his position. The war lasted no longer than 40 minutes, making it the shortest war in recorded history.
In the late 19th century, Britain’s extended its influence over East Africa in general and Zanzibar in particular. While Sayyid Saʿīd ibn Sulṭān had expanded Zanzibar’s regional holdings and global mercantile importance in the first half the century, his successor Barghash was forced to bend to European powers and partition his land among the British and the Germans; later sultans followed suit. By 1890 Britain had convinced the sultanate to cede its mainland territories to Germany while allowing the island itself to become a protectorate of the British Empire. Britain agreed to preserve the sultanate as an institution, but it stressed that the power of the sultan was nominal.
Upon becoming Zanzibar’s protector, Britain outlined two key policy goals: the abolition of slavery and the restoration of the island’s strong mercantile economy. Consul General Gerald Portal’s economic policy angered the Zanzibari merchants, but what angered them more was the policy on slavery, which had become integral to their way of life as spice plantations surged in value throughout the 19th century. Sayyid Ali ibn Saʿīd resisted Britain’s directives until his death in 1893, and, when it came time to choose his successor, Britain voiced its expectation that the next sultan be more submissive to imperial authority. Out of the several claimants to the throne, the British backed Ḥamad ibn Thuwayn. However, a defiant Prince Khālid ibn Barghash occupied the palace in response; he based his own claim on being the only son of the late Barghash and on being ignored after Barghash’s death, despite the fact that Zanzibari succession laws did not make the title of sultan hereditary. British authorities were able to convince Khālid to stand down, making Ḥamad the uncontested sultan.

Although Sayyid Ḥamad was initially acquiescent, by 1896 he had grown resentful of Zanzibar’s protector, going so far as to create a 1,000-man military force loyal only to the sultan. Ḥamad died on August 25 of that year, sparking yet another succession struggle. Senior diplomat Arthur Hardinge intended for Ḥamud ibn Moḥammed to assume the throne, suspecting that he would be a malleable sultan who would not oppose the abolition of slavery. This was conveyed to Basil Cave, Hardinge’s deputy. Having been passed over after the deaths of both Barghash and Ali, however, Khālid would not be slighted a third time. He declared himself sultan of Zanzibar and seized the palace and its harem.
Unlike his first attempt to claim the throne, this time Khālid surrounded the palace with nearly 3,000 of the sultan’s personal soldiers and supporters. They were supported by a small battery of artillery and the armed royal yacht Glasgow, which waited in the harbour nearby. In response, Basil Cave assembled a force of 400 Zanzibari loyalists and a contingent of British marines; some sources estimate up to 900 Zanzibari combatants. Five powerful Royal Navy vessels were also in the harbour. Rear Admiral Harry Rawson of HMS St. George sent an ultimatum to Khālid, instructing him and his troops to exit the palace grounds and surrender their arms by 9:00 am on August 27 or succumb to British firepower. Khālid refused, believing that the British would not follow through with their threat.
True to his word, at 9:00 am Rawson ordered HMS Racoon, Thrush, and Sparrow to open fire on the palace, which was quickly engulfed in flames. Although the Glasgow fired on the St. George in retaliation, Rawson handily dispatched the yacht. Five hundred casualties were inflicted on Khālid’s soldiers by the time the British ceased fire 40 minutes later; only one British sailor was seriously wounded. The Zanzibari-British infantry held the main road on the outskirts of the city until Khālid surrendered. In the confusion, he sought refuge in the German consulate.
By that same afternoon, Ḥamud ibn Moḥammed had been named sultan of Zanzibar. Sayyid Ḥamud promptly agreed to all British terms regarding his position and accepted without question the British demands concerning the abolition of slavery.
The Germans permitted Khālid to live in exile on the mainland in Dar es Salaam, where he remained until he was arrested by the British during World War I. Khālid died in Mombasa in 1927.
With Zanzibar having suffered gravely at the hands of a mere fraction of the British Empire’s military power, no further revolutions occurred on the island until Britain relieved it of its protectorate status in 1963.
Myles Hudson