Gallipoli Campaign: Media

World War I


Know about the disastrous Gallipoli Campaign and the role of ANZAC troops in the battles of World War I
An overview of the 1915–16 Gallipoli Campaign of World War I, with a focus on ANZAC...
Video: © Behind the News (A Britannica Publishing Partner)
Listen to a Turkish perspective on the Gallipoli Campaign, known to Turkish people as the Battle of Çanakkale, 1915–16
A Turkish perspective on the Gallipoli Campaign (1915–16), widely known among Turks...
Video: © Behind the News (A Britannica Publishing Partner)


World War I: Allied troops on the Gallipoli Peninsula
Allied troops lining the shore at "ANZAC Cove" on the Gallipoli Peninsula. The cove...
Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Gallipoli Campaign
A collection of significant facts about the Gallipoli Campaign.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc./Kenny Chmielewski
Gallipoli Campaign
The view from “Anzac Cove,” looking north across Suvla Bay, August 8, 1915.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Australia and New Zealand Army Corps troops
Australia and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) troops setting up camps on the Gallipoli...
Dardanelles, c. 1900
Map of the Dardanelles (c. 1900), from the 10th edition of Encyclopædia Britannica.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
Gallipoli Campaign: “ANZAC Cove”
British army officers in a trench at “ANZAC Cove” during the Gallipoli Campaign of...
© Chronicle/Alamy
Gallipoli Campaign
Wounded Turkish troops at an assembly during the Gallipoli Campaign.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.
World War I: Eastern Front
The Eastern Front, where troops from Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Russia, and...
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