- Date:
- August 18, 1991 - December 31, 1991
- Location:
- Russia
- Soviet Union
- Context:
- Cold War
- 1991 Soviet coup attempt
The coup failed for several reasons. Army and KGB officers declined to carry out orders to storm the White House. The plotters appeared to have no contingency plan to cope with Gorbachev’s refusal to cooperate. The failure to arrest Yeltsin before he got to the White House was crucial, because he was able to rally support from there. Muscovites turned out in the thousands to defend their democratically elected president, and Moscow police did not enforce the plotters’ edicts. The “gang of eight” had not grasped that democratization had made public opinion important and that the population would no longer meekly obey orders from above. The plotters, almost all ethnic Russians, represented the interests of the military-industrial complex.
On August 22 Gorbachev and his family returned to Moscow. Pugo shot his wife, though not fatally, and then killed himself. Later Marshal Sergey Akhromeyev, an adviser to Gorbachev and a former chief of the General Staff, hanged himself, and Nikolay Kruchina, who had been the party’s administrator of affairs, also committed suicide. Other deaths followed, and rumours circulated that these suicides were actually murders that had been carried out in retribution. Lukyanov, a friend of Gorbachev’s since their days as law students at Moscow State University, was identified by Ivan Silayev, the premier of the Russian Republic, as the “chief ideologist of the junta.” Lukyanov denied complicity but resigned on August 26 and was soon arrested.
Yeltsin banned party organizations in all army units on Russian territory, and Moscow celebrated with a huge rally in front of the Russian parliament. The fall from grace of the KGB was symbolized on the evening of August 22, when a huge statue of Feliks Dzerzhinsky, the founder of the Soviet secret police, was toppled from its pedestal on Lubyanka Square in downtown Moscow. That same night Gorbachev gave a press conference in which he revealed that he still had not grasped that the CPSU was unreformable by stating that he would purge the party of its “reactionary forces.” On August 24 Gorbachev resigned as CPSU general secretary but not from the party.
The coup was the culmination of a conflict between the old and new political, economic, and social orders that had been under way since Gorbachev had risen to power in 1985. His perestroika and glasnost reforms had set in motion forces that were bound to collide at some point. Gorbachev’s internationally respected foreign minister, Eduard Shevardnadze, had resigned in December 1990, claiming that hard-liners were pushing the country toward dictatorship. Aleksandr Yakovlev, one of the principal architects of Gorbachev’s reform program, quit the CPSU on August 16, 1991, declaring that a “Stalinist group within the party leadership was preparing a party and state coup.” In fact, rumours of an imminent coup had been rife throughout the summer. These suspicions appeared to be given substance by an appeal in Sovetskaya Rossiya, an official press organ of the Russian bureau of the CPSU. It was a clear call for a coup and emergency rule, and it was signed by two of the plotters, Varennikov, Gen. Boris Gromov (the former commander of Soviet forces in Afghanistan), and eight others. Nonplussed, Gorbachev had reacted to the open letter by going on holiday.