American Samoa: Facts & Stats

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Also Known As Amerika Samoa • Territory of American Samoa
Head Of Government Governor: Pulaalii Nikolao Pula
Capital Fagatogo2 (legislative and judicial) and Utulei (executive)
Population (2025 est.) 53,400
Currency Exchange Rate 1 US dollar equals 0.937 euro
Head Of State President of the United States: Donald Trump
Official Languages English; Samoan
Official Religion none
Official Name American Samoa (English); Amerika Samoa (Samoan)
Total Area (Sq Km) 199
Total Area (Sq Mi) 77
Monetary Unit dollar (U.S.$)
Population Rank (2025) 212
Population Projection 2030 49,300
Density: Persons Per Sq Mi (2025) 693.5
Density: Persons Per Sq Km (2025) 268.3
Urban-Rural Population Urban: (2024) 87.3% • Rural: (2024) 12.7%
Life Expectancy At Birth Male: (2022) 72.8 years • Female: (2022) 78 years
Literacy: Percentage Of Population Age 15 And Over Literate Male: (1980) 97% • Female: (1980) 97%
Gni (U.S.$ ’000,000) (2015) 641
Gni Per Capita (U.S.$) (2015) 10,532
Political Status unincorporated and unorganized territory of the United States with two legislative houses (Senate [18]; House of Representatives [211])
1Including the appointed nonvoting delegate from Swains Island.2The seat of the legislature, as defined by the Constitution of American Samoa, is at Fagatogo, one of a number of villages within an urban agglomeration collectively known as Pago Pago.



American Samoa: Pago Pago Harbor
Pago Pago
American Samoa
region, Pacific Ocean
archipelago, Pacific Ocean
National Park of American Samoa: beach on Ofu Island
National Park of American Samoa
park, American Samoa
American Samoa: Pago Pago Harbor
Tutuila Island
island, American Samoa
Rose Atoll Marine National Monument.
Rose Atoll
atoll, American Samoa
Swains Island, American Samoa
Swains Island
island, American Samoa
Manua Islands, American Samoa
Manua Islands
islands, American Samoa
Aunuu Island
island, American Samoa
