Charles Van Lerberghe: Facts & Related Content


Born October 21, 1861 • GhentBelgium
Died October 26, 1907 (aged 46) • BrusselsBelgium
Notable Works “Entrevisions”“La Chanson d’Ève”“Les Flaireurs”
Movement / Style Symbolism

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Flemish author
Maurice Maeterlinck, c. 1890.
Maurice Maeterlinck
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Émile Verhaeren, drawing by Lucien Wolles, c. 1900; in the Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels.
Émile Verhaeren
Belgian poet
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English poet
Ana Castillo
Ana Castillo
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Suzanne Lilar
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Cyriel Buysse
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Samuel Johnson
English author
D.H. Lawrence
D.H. Lawrence
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Carlos Fuentes
Carlos Fuentes
Mexican writer and diplomat
Dorothy Parker
Dorothy Parker
American author
John Jay Chapman.
John Jay Chapman
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Constance Lindsay Skinner
American writer and historian
Walter de la Mare, photograph by Mark Gerson.
Walter de la Mare
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James Crerar Reaney
Canadian writer
Douglas Stewart
New Zealand writer
Catulle Mendès.
Catulle Mendès
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José Régio
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