Ferdinand von Lindemann: Facts & Related Content

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Also Known As Carl Louis Ferdinand von Lindemann
Born April 12, 1852 • HannoverGermany
Died March 1, 1939 (aged 86) • MunichGermany • (Anniversary in 7 days)
Subjects Of Study pisquaring the circletranscendental number

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Évariste Galois, detail of an engraving, 1848, after a drawing by Alfred Galois.
Évariste Galois
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John Wallis
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Joseph Liouville
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Zu Chongzhi
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Carl Friedrich Gauss
German mathematician
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Gottlob Frege
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Bernhard Riemann, lithograph after a portrait, artist unknown, 1863.
Bernhard Riemann
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Charles Steinmetz.
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