12 Questions About Skin Answered

Uncontrollable acne? Brittle nails? Thin and dry hair? Go see a dermatologist! Dermatology is the study of skin and its disorders. This branch of medicine also studies hair and nails, because skin, hair, and nails are made of the same protein: keratin.

Earlier versions of these questions and answers first appeared in the second edition of The Handy Answer Book for Kids (and Parents) by Gina Misiroglu (2010).

  • Why does the skin on my fingers get all “pruney” in the bathtub?

    During long baths (or while swimming in a lake or pool), our fingers and toes soak up water like a sponge, which makes them swell. This happens because the top layer of skin (called the stratum corneum) on fingers and toes is more porous than the layers of skin underneath, which means it’s better at absorbing water. But instead of ballooning up, our fingers and toes shrivel because of the way the layers of skin are connected: the top, swelling layer of skin is connected underneath to tissue that does not swell, so the skin buckles to accommodate the increased surface area. As a result, your fingers look like prunes. Or raisins. Once you dry off, the water from your skin evaporates into the air, and your skin quickly returns to normal.

  • How does my body use its skin to cool off?

    The human body cools off by utilizing its three million sweat glands. Nerves in your skin tell your brain that your body is getting hot, and the brain signals the sweat glands to get busy. Each gland is like a little pump that draws water from nearby capillaries and delivers it to the skin, cooling it off. Since up to 60 percent of the body is water, sweat glands are like wells tapping into a giant ocean. There are two types of sweat glands: eccrine glands and apocrine glands. The eccrine glands are specifically designed for cooling the body off; they can pump up to 2 quarts (1.9 liters) of water an hour during intense activity or exercise. The apocrine glands are triggered by emotional stimuli, not heat. These glands secrete sweat in the hair follicles of the armpit, groin, and nipples, where the sweat mixes with bacteria and oils, giving it color and odor. As the sweat dries up, your skin cools off, and your body temperature drops.

  • Why do people have different skin colors?

    The skin color of humans—which ranges from light pink to dark brown—is determined by the amount and type of the pigment melanin in the skin. Melanin comes in two types: phaeomelanin (red to yellow) and eumelanin (dark brown to black). Both the amount and the type are determined by four to six genes. One copy of each of those genes is inherited from a person’s father and one from a person’s mother. Each gene comes in several coding sequences, which results in a variety of skin colors. Skin color is also affected by exposure to sunlight.

  • Why do some people have freckles?

    People with skin and eyes that are lighter in color are more likely to have freckles because they have less melanin, a chemical in the skin that protects it from sun damage by reflecting and absorbing ultraviolet rays. Instead of tanning, they freckle. Some people’s freckles fade away almost completely in the winter and then return in the summer, when the person is more likely to sunburn. Sunscreen can help protect everyone (freckled or not) from the Sun’s harmful rays.

  • How many hairs do I have on my head?

    Scientists estimate that both children and adults have about 100,000 strands of hair on their heads. (Remember that hair is simply an outgrowth of the outer layer of your skin.) People with red hair have fewer because their individual strands are thicker. Although you may lose an average of 40 to 100 strands of hair every day, it’s hard to notice because you have so many!

  • Which hair grows the fastest?

    The fastest growing hairs on the human body are men’s beard hairs. If the average man never trimmed his beard, it would grow to almost 30 feet (9 meters) in length during his lifetime.

  • My grandmother has a lump on her chin that sprouts hair. What is this?

    Chances are that your grandmother has a mole, a spot on the skin that is usually round or oval in shape. Moles can be small or large, smooth or lumpy, and pink, brown, red, or black (or somewhere in between). Skin moles can occur on any area of the body—and even sprout hair. Moles are melanocytes (cell factories that make pigments to give skin its color) that have grown in clusters rather than spreading throughout the skin. Moles can appear at any time or at any age; even babies are born with them occasionally. In fact, if you look carefully enough, you may find between 10 and 50 moles on your own body!

  • Why is the skin between my toes sometimes red and itchy?

    Itchy, red skin may be the sign of athlete’s foot, a skin infection caused by a mold-like fungus known as a dermatophyte. The fungus needs a warm, moist environment to live, and it often grows on the floors of locker rooms and public showers and in swimming pools and whirlpools. It also loves stinky old sneakers. When a person’s foot comes in contact with the fungus, it becomes red and itchy. Sometimes, moist, white, scaly lesions or sores develop between the toes and spread to the soles of the feet. In boys, sometimes athlete’s foot fungus spreads to the groin area, where it is called jock itch. The fungus sometimes spreads from one location to another as it is picked up on a bath towel, and the groin area, which is warm and moist, helps the fungus flourish.

  • Why do I have a belly button?

    Your belly button, or navel, is a scar formed when skin grew over where your umbilical cord once was. The tubelike cord connected you to your mother when you were inside her uterus. The umbilical cord carried oxygen and nourishment to you from the placenta, an organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy, connecting you to your mother's blood supply. (It also carried away waste products from your blood.) Once you were born, the umbilical cord was no longer needed, because you began to breathe and eat on your own. The cord was clamped off and cut, and what was left of it withered and dropped off about a week after your birth. Skin grew over the area, and it became the belly button shape you have for life.

  • What causes goose bumps on my skin?

    Goose bumps (or goose pimples) are little bumps on your skin that appear when you are cold or afraid. They are named that because they look like the bumpy flesh of a goose that has had its feathers plucked. When you are cold the muscles in your skin raise the hairs on your body so that they can trap a thicker layer of air next to your skin, which may keep you a bit warmer. As with all muscular activity, this contraction of the skin muscles also produces heat.

  • Why do zits sometimes form in the middle of my forehead?

    Acne, a red, irritating skin rash that mostly affects children approaching puberty, usually appears in the oil-producing areas of the body. These include the face (forehead, nose, and chin), chest, and back. Hyperactive glands produce oil (sebum) at a faster-than-normal pace due to tweens’ rapid changes in hormone levels. Excessive oil clogs pores and creates acne. Many times hair—which hangs down onto the forehead or sides of face—contains grease-like gels and styling products that contribute to acne.

  • Why do people get wrinkles and gray hair as they get older?

    As people age, their bodies change in many ways that affect the ways their cells and organ systems function. These changes occur little by little, progress over time, and are different for everyone. With aging, the hair follicles produce less melanin, the pigment that gives hair its color. Hair becomes lighter, and then gray, and it eventually turns white. The nails also change with aging: they grow more slowly, may become dull and brittle, and may become yellowed and opaque. With aging, the outer skin layer (epidermis) thins and the number of pigment-containing cells (called melanocytes) decreases, but the remaining melanocytes increase in size. Aging skin thus appears thinner, more pale, and translucent. Changes in the connective tissue reduce the skin’s strength and elasticity, resulting in wrinkly, leathery skin.