Light-producing, or bioluminescent, organisms occur across the spectrum of life—get it, spectrum? There are blinking bacteria, flaming fungus, shimmering squid, and flashing fish. (Interestingly, fish are the only bioluminescent vertebrates and there are no plants that produce light.) Nearly all of this light is produced by the oxidization of the molecule luciferin, a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme luciferase. Some creatures produce their own light while others house bacteria that do it for them. They glow and flash for a variety of purposes—repelling predators, attracting predators of their predators, seducing potential mates, and luring prey. These fairy lights are in fact a coruscating dance of life, death, and sex.

  • Jellyfish

    More than half of all jellyfish species produce some kind of bioluminescence, largely as a deterrent to predators. Some even secrete lambent mucus to further confuse potential executioners. Aequorea victoria, the jellyfish pictured here, produces a green glow around the rim of its bell by passing its initially blue light through a compound known as green fluorescent protein (GFP). The gene encoding for this protein was synthesized in a lab and is now artificially inserted into the DNA sequences of other species so that certain areas of their bodies might be more easily identified by scientists. This work won the 2008 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

  • Squid

    Many species of squid produce bioluminescence, using it for a variety of purposes. Some deep-sea squid spurt glowing ink or mucus to confuse their predators. Others, like the adorably tiny bobtail squid, pictured here, use their light in even more sophisticated ways. The bobtail squid possess small cavities on the underside of its body that are home to bioluminescent bacteria. When it emerges from the sand at night, the openings of the cavities expand and contract in response to the amount of moonlight penetrating the waves above so that its silhouette is less visible to predators lurking below.

  • Anglerfish

    Like monstrous aquatic versions of the mythological will o’ the wisp---luminescent figures who led travelers astray at night---deep-sea angler fishes tempt their prey with glowing baubles dangling from rods in front of their mouths. Other fish combing the murk for food are attracted to the fleshy lanterns and, when they approach, are inhaled by the beast at the other end. The males of some anglers are miniscule in comparison to the females. Once they find a suitable undine with whom to couple, in an inversion of the misogynistic “ball and chain” relationship idiom, they attach themselves to her body, which eventually absorbs all but their testicles.

  • Lanternfish

    The lanternfishes are among the most numerous fish in the sea. Each of the more than 200 species has a unique pattern of light-generating photophores, used in signaling and mating. The photophores consist of lens-shaped, transparent scales covering the tissue that emanates light; these lenses help to focus and amplify the light. Recent research has shown that lanternfishes are diversifying more rapidly than bristlemouths, another bioluminescent deep sea species. Unlike lanternfishes, bristlemouths only use their bioluminescence as a camouflage mechanism.

  • Firefly

    Who didn’t participate in the innocent childhood ritual of interrupting firefly orgies and stuffing the frightened insect lovers into make-shift “lanterns” that soon expired because someone forgot to punch holes in the top? Indeed, crashing the mating dance of these benignly beaming beetles is quintessential to the idyllic summers of youth. And callous children aren’t the only risk to fireflies a’courtin’. The females of some species mimic the light signals of other species, luring the males to the ground, and devouring them.

  • Fungi

    Over 70 species of fungus are known to bioluminesce. Unlike other light-producing organisms, they glow around the clock, though of course their eerie glimmer is most visible in the dark. Most brightly luminescent fungi grow in the tropics, where their fruiting bodies—the mushroom, or sporocarp—may be highly visible. The mycelium, or body, of some other species may also glow, lighting up the rotting wood on which they subsist in a phenomenon known colloquially as “foxfire.” Fungi may glow in order to repel predators, to attract insects that may help them disperse their spores, or as an accidental byproduct of their metabolism of wood.