6 Questions About the Sun Answered

Earlier versions of these questions and answers first appeared in the second edition of The Handy Answer Book for Kids (and Parents) by Gina Misiroglu (2010).

  • What is the Sun made of?

    The Sun is a star, made up of hot gases that contain elements including hydrogen, helium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and iron. Its temperature is so high that it glows white. It is also very large: if the Sun were the size of a basketball, Earth would only be the size of the head of a pin.

  • How hot is the Sun?

    The Sun is extremely hot. The surface of the Sun (or its outer visible layer, called the photosphere) is about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit (5,537 degrees Celsius)—about 50 times the temperature required to boil water. The core of the Sun reaches 27 million degrees Fahrenheit (15 million degrees Celsius). It is so intense that nuclear reactions take place there.

  • What would happen to Earth if the Sun didn’t exist?

    Without the Sun, life on Earth would not exist. The planet would be, at best, a frozen dark ball. The Sun provides light, heat, and energy, which stirs up the atmosphere to create winds and rain. With it, plants grow, and animals and humans eat. The Sun’s heat output changes over time, which affects our daily lives, the climate, and our satellite communications.

  • What happens during an eclipse of the Sun?

    Once in a while the Moon passes directly in front of the Sun as it makes its way around Earth. It temporarily blocks out the Sun, casting a shadow on a portion of Earth that is experiencing day. When this total eclipse of the Sun—a solar eclipse—occurs, the part of Earth affected becomes dark until the Moon passes by. Surrounding areas experience a partial eclipse, when just part of the Sun is temporarily covered by the Moon.

  • Where on Earth does the Sun shine the most?

    In the United States, Yuma, Arizona has a yearly average of 90 percent of sunny days, or more than 4,000 sunny hours per year. St. Petersburg, Florida, is second; that city had 768 consecutive sunny days from February 9, 1967, to March 17, 1969. Outside of the U.S., the eastern end of the Sahara Desert is the sunniest: the Sun shines there 97 percent of the time.

  • Is there a place on Earth where the Sun does not rise?

    In the Arctic and Antarctic circles there is at least one day a year when the Sun does not rise and one day when the Sun does not set. This is because of their close location to Earth’s poles. The Sun does not set on the summer solstice (June 21 in the north and December 21 in the south) and does not rise on the winter solstice (December 21 for the north and June 21 for the south). For this reason, the Arctic and Antarctic are called the “lands of midnight Sun” in the summer and “lands of noon darkness” in the winter.