We have all heard of the great monarchs of history: Alexander the Great, Frederick the Great, Catherine the Great, etc. But what about those who weren’t quite so great? Certain rulers had the bad luck of acquiring some outspoken enemies who used unflattering adjectives—and even, in one case, a vegetable—to describe them. The worst part? Some nicknames stuck, which was unfortunate for those rulers but fortunate for us.

  • The Cabbage: Ivaylo, Tsar of Bulgaria

    Ivaylo embodies the rags-to-riches tale. Born a peasant, he was known by his Bulgarian nickname, “Cabbage.” He led an uprising in northeastern Bulgaria in 1277 wherein he and his army gained multiple victories against the Tartars. After his army killed Tsar Konstantin during one of the battles, Ivaylo was recognized as the new tsar of Bulgaria. His reign was short—he was beheaded by political rivals in 1280—but his name lived on as two false Ivaylos later tried to lead peasant revolts under the inspiring moniker of the man also known as "Cabbage."

  • The Do-Nothing: Louis V, King of France

    The last king of the Carolingian dynasty, Louis V was known for his disappointing and uneventful reign. Crowned King of Aquitaine in 979 while his father was still alive, Louis the Do-Nothing proceeded to do just that. He never succeeded in his efforts to retake Aquitaine and try archbishop of Reims for treason, and he died in a hunting accident at the age of 20 with no legitimate heirs.

  • The Bald: Charles II, King of France and Holy Roman Emperor

    Holy Roman Emperor Charles II is known for his many familial land disputes. After receiving land from his father, emperor Louis I, Charles became embroiled in a series of civil wars among his half-brothers over the maintenance of land for succession status. However, whether or not this Carolingian ruler was actually bald remains a hotly contested point. Some historians theorize that the nickname may have been more ironic than illustrative. But some scholars have another explanation. In the 9th century, baldness provoked laughter, and those who suffered from such ridicule retorted by citing the “great bald men of the past.” If Charles was bald, it is thought he would have welcomed the association with these great historical figures.

  • The Bloody: Mary I, Queen of England

    Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, Mary I became the first sole female monarch of England. From the beginning of her reign, in 1553, she was determined to make Catholicism England’s primary religion through her marriage to Phillip II of Spain. A Protestant rebellion led by Sir Thomas Wyatt soon erupted but was quickly suppressed by her supporters, who left a bloody residue of massacred “heretics”. Once a popular queen among her subjects, Bloody Mary ended her life heirless and despised.

  • The Terrible: Ivan IV, Tsar of Russia

    In 1547, 14 years into his role as grand prince of Russia, Ivan IV obtained the lofty title of “tsar and grand prince of all of Russia”. After this royal promotion, most of his centralization reforms were colored by his fervent desire to limit the powers of the hereditary aristocracy in favor of the service gentry. The “reign of terror” that would make him known as Ivan the Terrible was designed to make individuals’ land and status dependent ultimately on the sovereign. The tsar’s wrath was not limited to non-royals; in 1581, he murdered his son Ivan, the only viable heir to his throne, initiating a period known as the Time of Troubles.

  • The Bad: William I, King of Sicily

    Contrary to his less-than-positive epithet, William the Bad ruled Sicily in an efficient and progressive manner. He promoted science and letters during his reign, and practiced religious tolerance. William’s infamy initially came from his suppression of the power of Sicily’s barons in favor of a more centralized authority. But even with his newfound royal authority, he lost Sicily’s African territories by 1160 and rebellions erupted throughout his kingdom. Unlucky William seems to have epitomized the phrase “be careful what you wish for”.

  • The Mad: Charles VI, King of France

    King Charles VI of France ascended to the throne in 1380, at the age of 11, and became the sole ruler of the country eight years later. During disputes between England over the residence of the papacy in 1392, Charles had an attack of “madness” that included fever and convulsions. He would come to have 43 more incidents—each lasting between three to nine months—that cemented his reputation as Charles the Mad.