Sports might bring out the best in some people, but not in everyone. The desire to win has often resulted in athletes bending the rules. In fact, cheating in sports has a long and infamous history. The following list is just a small sample of some athletes who seem to have adopted the maxim “if you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin’.”

  • Lance Armstrong: Tour de farce

    In 1999 American cyclist Lance Armstrong became the feel-good story in sports. After overcoming testicular cancer that had spread to his lungs and brain, he entered the grueling Tour de France, a race he had only finished once, placing 36th. This time, however, he won the 22-day event and then proceeded to win the next six Tours, setting the record for the most Tour victories. His amazing performance, however, sparked allegations of doping, an illegal practice that had long been a problem at the Tour. Armstrong vehemently denied the accusations, even after an investigation resulted in him being stripped of his titles and banned from cycling in 2012. The following year, however, in a TV interview with Oprah Winfrey, Armstrong finally admitted to taking performance-enhancing drugs.

  • Tonya Harding: “The whack heard ’round the world”

    By 1994 Tonya Harding was a rising star in U.S. figure skating. The first American woman to land a triple axel during a competitive event, she was expected to be a contender at the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway. To improve her odds, her ex-husband, Jeff Gillooly, and allegedly Harding herself masterminded an attack on her main rival, Nancy Kerrigan. A man was hired to injure Kerrigan, and at the U.S. trials, she was clubbed in the thigh and forced to withdraw from the event. However, she recovered, and both Harding and Kerrigan competed at the Olympics amid a media circus; Kerrigan won the silver medal, and Harding placed eighth. Ultimately, Gillooly and three others were sentenced to jail, while Harding avoided time behind bars by pleading guilty to hindering the prosecution.

  • Mark McGwire: Sluggers and steroids

    Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and…steroids? In the 1990s allegations of steroid use among players began to plague America’s pastime. Major league baseball finally cracked down on performance-enhancing drugs in 2004, when it instituted mandatory random drug testing. Since then more than 40 players have been suspended for testing positive. However, the speculation about steroid use, especially among former players, has continued, and several eventually admitted to taking the illegal drugs, notably Mark McGwire, who used steroids in 1998 when he broke Roger Maris’s single season home-run record.

  • Mike Tyson: A hunger to win

    At age 20 American boxer Mike Tyson became the youngest heavyweight champion in history. He dominated the sport until personal problems began to take their toll. In 1989 he was accused of physically abusing his wife, and in 1992 he was convicted of raping a woman. After three years in prison, Tyson resumed his boxing career, but in 1997 he was disqualified from a match after twice biting Evander Holyfield’s ears. Tyson briefly lost his boxing license but apparently not his penchant for chomping on opponents. In 2002 Tyson attacked and bit British boxer Lennox Lewis during a press conference for their upcoming fight. He also stated that he wanted to eat Lennox’s children. Fortunately, Lennox was childless at the time. Oddly, Tyson is only one of many athletes who have bitten an opponent. In 1983 NBA player “Tree” Rollins bit Danny Ainge’s ear during a fight in a playoff game. The newspaper headline the next day read “Tree Bites Man.”

  • Black Sox Scandal: Eight men out

    At the 1919 World Series, the Chicago White Sox lost to the Cincinnati Reds, 5-3. Soon after, rumors began to spread that the series had been fixed. In 1920 a grand jury was called to investigate allegations of gambling in baseball, and four White Sox players admitted to throwing the series. In 1921 eight Chicago players—including “Shoeless” Joe Jackson, Oscar (“Happy”) Felsch, Arnold (“Chick”) Gandil, and Claude (“Lefty”) Williams—stood trial but were acquitted on insufficient evidence, largely because key evidence, including the original confessions of the players, had disappeared from the grand jury files. (They probably were stolen.) The players had little time to enjoy their victory, however. The baseball commissioner subsequently banned them for life.

  • Albert Belle: The corked bat caper

    During a major league baseball game in 1994, the Chicago White Sox accused power hitter Albert Belle of the Cleveland Indians of using a corked bat. The umpire confiscated the bat and locked it in his dressing room. While the game was still being played, Cleveland relief pitcher Jason Grimsley was sent to switch the illegal bat with that of another teammate. Armed with a flashlight, Grimsley crawled above the false ceiling and was able to find the dressing room. Following the game, however, officials noticed that the bat was different, and the police were called. Under threats of FBI involvement, Cleveland turned over Belle’s bat, which proved to be corked; in fact, all of Belle’s bats were corked. He was later suspended for seven games.

  • Diego Maradona: God hates England

    In the 1986 World Cup quarterfinal match between Argentina and England, Diego Maradona scored one of soccer’s most famous goals. With the game tied at 0-0, the Argentinian scored on what seemed to be a miraculous header. On second look, however, it wasn’t so much miraculous as illegal. Instead of hitting the ball with his head, Maradona had used his hand. Without the aid of replays, the goal stood, and Argentina went on to win 2-1, with Maradona scoring a second time. About his controversial goal, he later said that it was partly “the hand of God.”