The Moon is Earth’s only natural satellite, and it’s been a source of human fascination since prehistoric times. In fact, during nine Apollo missions, 24 astronauts (all Americans) have gone to the Moon, and 12 of them walked on it. As part of the Artemis space program, launched in 2017, NASA aims to return humans to the Moon by 2025, with the goal of establishing a sustainable presence there and on other planets. The program also seeks to land the first woman and first person of colour on the Moon, and that woman may be Jessica Meir.
But what are some of the moon’s features, and how does the Moon effect us here on Earth? This list will provide answers.
Earlier versions of these questions and answers first appeared in the second edition of The Handy Answer Book for Kids (and Parents) by Gina Misiroglu (2010).
What is the Moon?
cross section of the Moon's interiorA cross section of the Moon's interior, showing the asymmetry in the thickness of the crust between the near and far sides and the near-side predominance of maria. Indicated distances are not to scale.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.The planets of our solar system orbit the Sun, held in their paths by the Sun’s gravitational force. Other heavenly bodies in our solar system—called natural satellites or moons—orbit the planets in a similar way. Some planets have many moons (Saturn has 18!), but Earth has just one. Our Moon is an almost-round natural satellite that consists of layers of different rock, similar in structure to Earth. It is believed that both were created at the same time, when our solar system was formed. (Some scientists think that the Moon broke off from Earth after our planet collided with another.) Unlike Earth, however, the Moon has no water or atmosphere, so nothing can live or grow on it. Without an atmosphere, nights (where the Moon is turned away from the Sun) are fiercely cold, and days (where the Moon receives the Sun’s full rays) are very hot.
The Moon is located about 240,000 miles (386,400 kilometers) from Earth, close enough for astronauts to visit. The Moon’s diameter is about 2,160 miles (3,478 kilometers), roughly one-quarter that of Earth, and Earth has about 80 times more mass, or weight. The Moon does not shine on its own; the moonlight that we see is simply sunlight reflected off its surface.
Is there a Man in the Moon?
There is no real Man in the Moon, but the expression comes from the dark patches on the Moon’s surfaces (the lunar maria, or “seas”), which some people think look like two eyes and a smile. In the early evening, when the Moon is nearly full, you can most easily see this supposed face. Some cultures perceive different shapes, such as the silhouette of a woman, a moose, a buffalo, a hare, a frog, or a dragon in the full Moon.
What are moonquakes?
Moonquakes are quakes that happen on the Moon. Moonquakes are much less common and weaker than earthquakes, but certain types can register up to 5.5 on the Richter scale—which would damage buildings if they occurred on Earth. Vibration from shallow moonquakes usually continues for more than ten minutes. By comparison, earthquakes last around one or two minutes.
How high can you jump on the Moon?
Buzz Aldrin on the MoonU.S. astronaut Buzz Aldrin walking on the Moon, July 20, 1969.NASAYou can jump higher on the Moon than on Earth because your body would weigh less. The Moon’s gravity is one-sixth of the gravity on Earth, but you probably could not jump six times as high as you could on Earth because you would be wearing a heavy, bulky spacesuit!
Does the Moon really have volcanoes?
Yes, the Moon has some volcanoes, but scientists classify them as “dead” volcanoes because they have not erupted for millions, perhaps billions, of years. In fact, studies based on rocks collected from the Moon’s surface during NASA’s Apollo program between 1969 and 1972 suggest that the bulk of the Moon’s volcanic activity occurred around 3.9 billion years ago. Most of the deep craters on the Moon are from the surface being hit by asteroids and comets at that time.
How does the Moon affect the ocean tides?
how the Sun and Moon cause tidesTides are caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun and the Moon on Earth's water. When the Sun, Moon, and Earth form a straight line (left), tides higher and lower than usual are generated. In contrast, when the lines between the Sun and Earth and the Moon and Earth are perpendicular to one another (right), high tides and low tides are moderated.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.Without the Moon, Earth would have no ocean tides, or periodic rises and falls in the level of the sea. Tides occur because the Moon exerts pull (or gravity) on the ocean water, causing it to rise and fall on a regular schedule. The gravitational pull of the Moon tugs on the surface of the ocean until its surface mounds up and outward in the direction of the Moon. When the mound of water has reached its highest point it is called high tide. On the side of Earth opposite the Moon, the centrifugal force caused by Earth’s rotation produces another mound of water and high tide on the opposite side of the globe. Somewhere in between these two high tides are two flat areas on the surface of the ocean, which are low tides.
Why does the Moon follow us when we’re driving?
According to astronomers, the reason why the Moon seems to be following us is because it is so far away. The Moon is about 240,000 miles (386,400 kilometers) away from Earth. Because of this distance, the angle you view it from changes very little as you drive down the highway. So, mile after mile, the Moon remains in roughly the same spot of sky. No matter how fast you drive, you just can’t “pass” it. The same situation holds for the Sun, planets, and stars.
Why is Earth mostly crater-free compared to the pockmarked Moon?
moonDaedalus, the largest crater on the moon surface, photographed by Apollo 11.NASAEarth is more active than the Moon, in terms of both geology and weather, which makes it hard for craters to remain. Even those craters scientists can see on the surface—which may be millions of years old—have been overgrown by vegetation, weathered by wind and rain, and changed by earthquakes and landslides. The Moon, meanwhile, is geologically quiet and has almost no weather, so its hundreds of thousands of craters are easy to see. The craters are the result of both meteorites and volcanic activity. Interestingly, some of the oldest Earth rocks might be awaiting discovery on the Moon, having been blasted there billions of years ago by asteroid impacts that shook both worlds.