We all have personal lists we keep. Sometimes they’re short-term lists—like grocery lists (why did I want sour tapioca flour?) or things we want to accomplish next weekend (turn off water to outside faucets, prune azaleas, shred leaves). But sometimes they are lists we may need to consult for the rest of our lives. These include lists of our grandparents’ siblings—especially when they came from large families; lists of historical persons needing further research; movies to watch; books to read; and words to look up. Sometimes we run across quaint lists that somebody needed to record…for whatever reason. Herewith a list of some random lists.
The Little List of the Lord High Executioner of Titipu
The MikadoThe character of Nanki-Poo is pictured on a poster advertising Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado, c. 1885.Theatrical Poster Collection/Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (Digital file no. var 1766)A selection of individuals to be tapped in case “a victim must be found,” the following individuals are on the little list of society’s offenders who will never be missed, prepared by the Ko-Ko, Lord High Executioner of Titipu in Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Mikado:
1. There’s the pestilential nuisances who write for autographs —
2. All people who have flabby hands and irritating laughs —
3. All children who are up in dates, and floor you with ’em flat —
4. All persons who in shaking hands, shake hands with you like that —
5. And all third persons who on spoiling tête-á-têtes insist —
They’d none of ’em be missed — they’d none of ’em be missed!
6. There’s the banjo serenader, and the others of his race
7. And the piano-organist
8. And the people who eat peppermint and puff it in your face,
9. Then the idiot who praises, with enthusiastic tone,
All centuries but this, and every country but his own;
10. And the lady from the provinces, who dresses like a guy,
And who "doesn’t think she dances, but would rather like to try";
11. And that singular anomaly, the lady novelist —
I don’t think she’d be missed — I’m sure she’d not be missedThe List of Duties of Friendship
FriendsThe cast of Friends: (from left) Matt LeBlanc, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry, Jennifer Aniston, and David Schwimmer.© Warner Bros. Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.One of the more fascinating essays in the first edition of Britannica (published in 1768) is a philosophical treatise on moral philosophy, or morals. Its subtopics are “Of Man and his connections,” “Of Duty, or Moral Obligation,” “The Final Causes of our Moral Faculties of Perception and Affection,” “The Principal Distinctions of Duty or Virtue,” “Of Man’s Duty to Himself,” “Of the Nature of Good, and the Chief Good,” “Duties to Society,” and so on. The later subtitle includes the sub-subcategory “Social Duties of the private Kind” and neatly summarizes the duties of Friendship thus:
1. A mutual esteem of each other, unbribed by interest, and independent of it
2. A generous confidence, as far distant from suspicion as from reserve
3. An inviolable harmony of sentiments and dispositions, of designs and interests
4. A fidelity unshaken by the changes of fortune
5. A constancy unalterable by distance of time or place
6. A resignation of one’s personal interests to those of one’s friend
7. A reciprocal, unenvious, unreserved exchange of kind offices.The 23 Types of Vagabond
Thomas Harman published A Caveat or Warning for Common Cursitors, Vulgarly Called Vagabonds in 1566, in which he hoped to enlighten society as to the various types of vagabond. As well as retelling stories of thievery, detailing the techniques of such criminals, and providing a dictionary of rogues’ secret language (“Thieves’ Cant”), he named each of the book’s first 23 chapters after a different class of vagabond, as identified by Harman. Those chapter titles soon became the following popular list, as described in William Harrison’s Description of England 11 years later. Harrison wrote: “A gentleman also of late hath taken great pains to search out the secret practices of this ungracious rabble. And among other things he setteth down and describeth three and twenty sorts of them, whose names it shall not be amiss to remember whereby each one may take occasion to read and know as also by his industry what wicked people they are, and what villainy remaineth in them.”The several disorders and degrees amongst our idle vagabonds:
1. Rufflers (a former soldier or serving man who turns to thieving, apprentice uprightmen)
2. Uprightmen (leaders of bands of thieves)
3. Hookers or anglers (nighttime pilferers, who steal through windows with hooks)
4. Rogues (rank-and-file vagabonds, “neither so stout nor hardy as the uprightman”)
5. Wild rogues (those born of rogues)
6. Priggers of pransers (horse thieves)
7. Palliards (male and female beggars, traveling in pairs)
8. Fraters (fake proctors, thieving while pretending to collect for hospitals, and other good causes)
9. Abraham men (beggars pretending to be lunatics)
10. Fresh-water mariners or whipjacks (beggars pretending to have been shipwrecked)
11. Counterfeit crankes (beggars who pretend to falling sickness)
12. Dommerars (sham mutes)
13. Drunken tinkers (thieves using the tinker trade as a cover)
14. Swadders or peddlers (thieves pretending to be peddlers)
15. Jarkemen (forgers of licenses) or patricoes (hedge priests)
Of the women kind:
16. Demanders for glimmer [fire] (harlots and beggars, often working with an uprightman, pretending the loss of their goods by fire)
17. Bawdy-baskets (female peddlers, working with uprightmen)
18. Autem mortes (married harlots)
19. Walking mortes (unmarried harlots)
20. Doxies (prostitutes who begin with uprightmen)
21. Dells (young girls, incipient doxies)
22. Kinchin mortes (female beggar children)
23. Kinching coes (male beggar children)List of Pocket Medicines
Thomas Eakins: The Gross ClinicThe Gross Clinic, oil on canvas by Thomas Eakins, 1875; in the Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia. 2 × 2.5 m.Album/AlamyAnother useful list in Britannica’s first edition provides a window on the practice of medicine in the mid-18th century. In addition to its suggestion of clysters and bleeding (often “in the foot”) and the drinking of wine, the editors provided a note on “Pocket-Medicines”: “Pocket-Medicines, in surgery, those which a surgeon ought to carry always about him, in a box or convenient case. Those, according to Heister, are
1. The common digestive ointment,
2. The brown or Egyptian ointment for cleansing and digesting foul ulcers,
3. Some vulnerary balsams, as the linimentum arcaei, or the balsam of Peru, of Gilead or Capivi, or the Samaritan balsam
4. A plaster or two, as the diachylon or stypticum Crollii, since one or other of these is almost constantly wanted
5. A piece of blue vitriol for the taking down luxuriant flesh and to stop haemorrhages
6. If vitriol is wanting, burnt alum, red precipitate, the infernal stone, or any other corrosive medicine, will supply its place in corrosive intentions, and the last will also serve to open abscesses, to make issues, and perform many other operations of that kind.
7. A quantity of scraped lint, that the surgeon may be able to give immediate assistance to wounded persons; since if he is unprepared for this, they may easily be taken off by an haemorrhage; a circumstance which ought also to prevail with him to be always provided with
8. Suitable bandages.Joseph Cornell Series
A favorite 20th-century artist is Joseph Cornell, he of the serendipitous boxes. Even living in Chicago, whose Art Institute has one of the most extensive collections of Cornell’s work (that of Edwin A. and Lindy Bergman), we find it hard to remember the extent of his explorations. Here then a list of most, if not all, of the themes he examined:
Aviary boxes
Bleriot boxes
Celestial Navigations boxes
Dovecote boxes
Juan Gris boxes
Hotel boxes
Night Skies boxes
Observatory boxes
Palace boxes
Penny Arcade series
Sand Fountain boxes
Soap Bubble set boxes
Space Object boxes
Swan Lake boxes
Time Transfixed seriesMerian’s Collection
Items sent by 17th-century naturalist and artist Maria Sybilla Merian’s daughter Johanna from Suriname and offered by the artist (with other specimens) to another collector for 20 guilders:
1. A flying fish
2. A spider
3. 6 snakes
4. Two thousand bones
5. 2 lizards
6. An animal that attaches itself to ships
7. A small fish
(all in bottles filled with spirits)
8. Two boxes containing 30 insects